Center for eLearning
Mailing Address
Center for eLearning
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, RT201
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Center for eLearning, RT201
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3960
Fax: 216.875.9733
Recent Blackboard Changes
As we continue on our path to modernizing Blackboard, some updates were made over the semester break that you should be aware of to help navigate the changes.
TERMS: Courses in Blackboard are now associated with a term. Terms allow for each semester offering to be grouped together. To assist in finding previously taught courses, please use the dropdown at the top of the Current Courses page.

PANOPTO VIDEO: We completed a required update of the Panopto integration with Blackboard that has resulted in a few changes to Panopto.
- In Spring 24 (and future) courses, you will still see the Panopto video link in your left navigation. The Panopto Video left navigation link is no longer available in previous courses. Your videos can still be accessed in your Panopto interface/Blackboard folder by going into the Panopto interface, navigating to Browse and clicking on the folder named Blackboard. If you want to move videos from a previous semester to your course folder for this semester, you can do so from the Panopto interface. See Move Panopto Videos from Semester to Semester instructions on our website.

- Previously embedded videos will still work. However, the Panopto image will appear broken (see image below) and you cannot edit them.

The only way to fix this broken image link issue is to recreate the Panopto Embeds and/or Panopto links. To do so, use one of the following methods below:
- Click Build Content > Panopto Video Link. This will embed only a link to the video, but will not embed the video as it once did.

- Click Build Content > Item > Plus Sign > Panopto Video Link. This will embed the video as we once could, but we lose the Panopto logo on the left of the item.

Mailing Address
Center for eLearning
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, RT201
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Center for eLearning, RT201
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3960
Fax: 216.875.9733