Center for eLearning

Faculty Senate Committee

The Electronic Learning Committee is a committee of the Faculty Senate and consists of faculty representatives from each College, and the School of Nursing. Two students serve on the committee. Ex-Officio members include the Vice Provost for Academic Planning, the Director for the Center for eLearning and the Associate Registrar.

The Functions (Charge) of the Electronic Learning Committee

  1. To increase knowledge, collaboration, and effectiveness of online instruction at the University.
  2. To develop policies regarding student access to electronic learning courses at the University.
  3. To make recommendations regarding the academic security of electronic learning courses.
  4. To assure the quality of electronic learning courses at the University.
  5. To make recommendations regarding peer and student evaluation of the teaching effectiveness of electronic courses.
  6. To participate in strategic planning regarding the future development of electronic instruction at the University.

During academic year 2013-2014, the committee made several recommendations to faculty senate including the standardization of eLearning terminology at the University, and the use of a modified Online Course Assessment Tool (OCAT) for faculty peer-review of online courses.

Committee Actions:

On April 10, 2014, Faculty Senate approved the definitions of Fully Online Courses and Blended Courses.

In April 2017, Faculty Senate approved the Required Procedures & Recommended Practices to Address Security and Quality of eLearning Courses.