The Electronic Learning Committee is a committee of the Faculty Senate and consists of faculty representatives from each College, and the School of Nursing. Two students serve on the committee. Ex-Officio members include the Vice Provost for Academic Planning, the Director for the Center for eLearning and the Associate Registrar.
The Functions (Charge) of the Electronic Learning Committee
- To increase knowledge, collaboration, and effectiveness of online instruction at the University.
- To develop policies regarding student access to electronic learning courses at the University.
- To make recommendations regarding the academic security of electronic learning courses.
- To assure the quality of electronic learning courses at the University.
- To make recommendations regarding peer and student evaluation of the teaching effectiveness of electronic courses.
- To participate in strategic planning regarding the future development of electronic instruction at the University.
During academic year 2013-2014, the committee made several recommendations to faculty senate including the standardization of eLearning terminology at the University, and the use of a modified Online Course Assessment Tool (OCAT) for faculty peer-review of online courses.
Committee Actions:
On April 10, 2014, Faculty Senate approved the definitions of Fully Online Courses and Blended Courses.
In April 2017, Faculty Senate approved the Required Procedures & Recommended Practices to Address Security and Quality of eLearning Courses.