Law Applicants

Law students with more than 50 hours and degree-seeking status will have the 'Apply to Graduate' button available to them on the 'Graduation' tab in CampusNet. Once a student applies online, the graduation fee is charged to the student account and the review process begins. It takes four to six weeks to complete the initial review of the application. Students are encouraged to track the progress of their graduation application on the 'Application Tracking' page on the 'Graduation' tab.

In order to graduate, students are responsible for enrolling in the courses required to complete the program of study. It is important to ensure that students complete Degree Audit requirements with 'Completed' or 'In Progress' courses. Students will be responsible for checking their Degree Audit regularly to verify that the status of degree requirements remain complete with 'In Progress' courses.

If you have questions regarding your application for graduation, please call the College of Law Student Records Office.




Mailing Address
Office of the University Registrar
2121 Euclid Avenue
UN 441
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Campus Location
Campus 411 All-in-1
2121 Euclid Avenue
BH 116
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216.687.5411
Toll Free: 888.CSUOHIO
Fax: 216.687.5501

For Graduation Inquiries