Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue BH 115
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Berkman Hall, Room 115
1899 E. 22nd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216.687.2023
Fax: 216.687.5505
Office Hours*
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
*Subject to change during breaks/holidays
Approved in Fiscal Year 2022
The intent of these motor vehicle, parking, and transportation rules of Cleveland State University (CSU) are to facilitate the work of the students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors at CSU. Changes to these rules will be recommended by the Executive Director of Campus Support Services in collaboration with the University Parking Advisory Committee for approval by the University President, Provost, or their selected designee.
All vehicles parking on CSU property are expected to pay for parking. If any motor vehicle found on University property is in violation of traffic laws or rules of the State of Ohio or of the University, the citation will be issued to the member of the University community to whom the car is registered in the Department of Parking & Transportation Services (PTS). If the vehicle is not registered with the University, the citation will be issued to the legally registered owner of the vehicle according to the state of Ohio or its equivalent. Vehicles identified through a vehicle ownership check will be linked to the community member with matching address and last name. Parking permits can only be used by the registered permit holder and allow for only one registered vehicle to park at any given time. Parking permits are non-transferable and cannot be shared or used by anyone other than the registered permit holder.
A. Parking Registration, Rates and Privileges
CSU students, faculty, and staff must register with PTS in order to park in any University operated parking location. An employee is considered an employee regardless if they are actively taking classes.
Registered patrons may obtain a pre-paid Parking Credential, which is defined as a token (e.g. permit, access card, OTM, validation, etc.) for which the holder has registered and paid the entire cost in advance or has approved payroll deductions with PTS for access to parking lots prior to coming to a CSU parking facility to park. For employees on payroll deduction, if a monthly deduction is missed for any reason PTS may spread the missed balance evenly across remaining payroll deductions for the permit. Every vehicle utilizing a credential permit must be registered by license plate and linked to the patron's parking account with PTS, including rental vehicles. Registration and possession of a valid parking credential authorizes an individual to park in parking facilities owned and/or operated by the University for which the parking permit provides access. It does not guarantee the holder a specific parking space or parking facility.
Parking rates will be posted in the PTS Office and on the department's website and on entrance equipment at all gated parking facilities.
Pre-Paid parking permit holders are granted the following privileges, based upon availability: access to designated parking facilities during regular hours; weekend parking in designated areas; entry into special event parking locations to which the credential allows access without the payment of any additional fee and access to privately operated parking locations leased by PTS, as applicable.
Visitors to CSU may purchase parking for the published visitor rate in visitor lots and/or for the posted and/or prearranged Special Event rate at designated locations.

Vanity Plates: Vanity plates may be purchased from the Parking Office during office hours for $15.00. Payment can be made with cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or check. Payroll deduction plans and student accounts are not eligible forms of payments for vanity plates. Individuals must have an active CSU Parking account to purchase and register a vanity plate. An active permit is not required to purchase a vanity plate and displaying a vanity plate alone does not grant parking privileges. Although, a vanity plate can be linked to an active permit allowing permit holders to back into a parking space. Vanity plates are required to be displayed on the front bumper and cannot be used as the rear license plate. Vanity plates are not registered with the Ohio BMV and do not replace the State of Ohio registration and plate requirements. Vanity plates cannot be returned, refunded, or, replaced.

B. Enforcement Authorization
PTS and its employees are authorized to enforce University Parking Rules by serving notice of the violation on the vehicle found to be in violation. Any notices of violation served will stipulate the violation committed, location, time of the violation, and the rights of the person issued the violation.
C. Parking for the Disabled
Disabled parking spaces are provided in all garages on campus and in all surface lots that are located contiguous to a University building. Faculty, staff, and students who are holders of State of Ohio disabled placards and a prepaid CSU parking credential may park in CSU designated parking spots within an area for the specific type of parking credential they hold or at designated metered spaces. The State disabled placard must be displayed while parked on campus. Visitors who require disabled parking may park in designated spaces in metered parking areas or visitor lots and pay the displayed rates.
D. Paid Special Event and Guest Parking
Any group arranging an event on campus must contact PTS in order to make prior arrangements for Special Event Parking. Special Event Parking is recommended for occasions when visitor parking locations are inadequate, or when guaranteed or prepaid parking is desired. In general, events that will bring 20 or more visitors to campus should request reserved prepaid parking or plan for guests to pay for parking upon entrance.
Special Event Parking. Event planners are encouraged to consider the academic calendar and class schedule when planning events, especially when displacing students, faculty and staff will likely result from the special event.
Special Event Parking is defined as parking services, which result from or coincide with a major campus event or any event for which PTS must take extra measures in order to monitor and control campus parking. Parking may be designated “special event parking” at any time – weekdays, evenings, and weekends included.
Individuals or University departments who wish to pay for visitors and guests to park on campus must contact PTS to plan in advance. Visitors and guests who do not have prepaid parking will be directed to the parking locations that accept payment by the hour.
A. The Parking Advisory Committee shall make its recommendations to the Executive Director of Campus Support Services that oversees the CSU Department of Parking & Transportation program and be charged with the following:
- Develops and reviews long-range plans for parking at the University
- Recommends strategies to ensure parking accessibility to campus buildings and facilities
- Recommends parking rates as necessary to support required parking capability
- Assists in publicizing parking issues and developments within the University community
- Reviews Parking Rules and recommends changes for consideration and approval by President or designee
- Reviews PTS annual goals and objectives
B. Provides assistance and relevant input to Parking Services for the following:
- Budget review and recommendations relative to appropriate fees for parking and enforcement
- Development of procedures that ensure the orderly flow of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic at the University, while minimizing conditions which unnecessarily impede traffic on campus
- Development and maintenance of parking facilities
- Support of the Parking Review Board (PRB) that reviews and acts upon second appeals of parking citations from students, faculty, staff and visitors
C. Advisory Committee Membership
- Two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate
- One Undergraduate student appointed by Student Government Association
- One Graduate student appointed by Dean of Graduate Studies
- One Law student appointed by Student Bar Association
- One student appointed by Campus Support Services
- One representative of bargaining units’ employees, who is not a faculty member, appointed by the bargaining unit
- One representative from Management Administrative Staff Association
- Director of Conference Services or a designee
- Police Commander or a designee
- Director of Parking & Transportation Services (ex-officio)
- Executive Director of Campus Support Services or designee – Chair (ex-officio)
A. The Parking Review Board shall hear and review second appeals.
- Understands parking requirements and enforcement procedures
- Reviews each second appeal and vote on the responsive actions
- Provide feedback and operational recommendations to PTS
- Additional information can be found in the Section VI. Enforcement (D. Appeals)
B. Review and provide recommendations related to disciplinary actions and implementation of additional sanctions regarding parking privileges
- Review cases against patrons in which PTS requests additional sanctions
- Vote on any additional sanctions or fees
- Provide input if charges warrant a Judicial Board hearing
C. Review Board Membership
- One Undergraduate Student
- One Graduate or Law School Student
- Two Faculty Members
- Two Staff Members
- Director of Parking & Transportation Services or a designee (ex-officio)
A. Violations and Penalties

A vehicle is deemed parked when the vehicle is stationary, whether occupied or not.
The registered holder of the parking credential is responsible for any and all citations issued to that credential number. Fines will be assessed to the permit holder or the owner of any vehicle on University property in violation of the CSU Department of Parking & Transportation Services Regulations. Any citation issued and not paid or appealed within 21 days of issuance will be considered delinquent and a late fee will be assessed. All appeals must be submitted within 21 days from issuance; after which time appeals will not be accepted. After 60 calendar days, any citation or outstanding permit fee, which remains unpaid may be submitted for collection by the University, the State of Ohio Office of the Attorney General, or an outside agency.
Any current or former student with an unpaid citation will have a hold placed on their student status. This hold may prevent the student from registering for the subsequent semester(s) and will prevent the student from obtaining their transcripts until the citation and any late fee is paid.
Any individual with an unpaid parking fine will not be permitted to purchase parking until the fine has been paid. Any individual who has outstanding citations, issued after July 1, 2014, or are aged more than 180 days from the issuance date will become eligible for immobilization.
CSU Department of Parking & Transportation Services violations are listed below. All related parking fines are established and approved by the CSU Board of Trustees. Tow and impound fees are established by the specific company that is under agreement with CSU to provide such services.
No Valid Permit |
$35.00 [a][b]
Unauthorized Parking |
$25.00 [a] [b] |
Expired Time |
$35.00 [a] [b] |
Illegal Permit |
$325.00 [a] [b] [c] [d] |
Illegal Parking Space |
$25.00 [a] [b] [d] |
Blocking Right of Way |
$50.00 [a] [b] [c] [d] |
General Infraction |
$25.00 [a] [b] [d] |
Misuse of Viking Card |
$25.00 [a] [b] [d] |
Invalid License Plate |
$25.00 [a] [b] [c] [d] |
Disabled Space Non-Compliance |
$250.00 [a] [b] [d] |
Boot Fee |
$60.00 [a] [b] [c] [d] |
Boot Tampering Fee |
$150.00 [a] [b] [c] [d] |
[A] This violation will result in a fine as established and approved by the CSU Board of Trustees. [B] This violation may result in removal and impound of the vehicle. Vehicle removal and storage is provided by a privately-operated company on behalf of PTS. Booting is implemented by PTS. [C] This violation may be sanctioned in accordance with Section III.P of the Student Conduct Code (Falsification, Fraud, and False Testimony), or criminally prosecuted under Ohio Revised Code. [D] Additional sanctions may be applied to this violation as determined by the Parking Review Board. |
B. Vehicle Immobilization and Impounding
University Department of Parking & Transportation Services is authorized to remove, immobilize (boot), and/or impound motor vehicles on University property at the owner’s expense.
This procedure is to ensure that all parking patrons have equal access to the parking facilities with the minimum amount of risk to pedestrians and /or vehicles. Vehicles may be removed, immobilized and impounded in the following instances if such action is deemed appropriate and necessary by PTS staff and/or CSU Police:
- The vehicle constitutes a traffic or safety hazard
- The vehicle is illegally parked in a disabled, state vehicle, reserved space, or any no parking area without a proper parking credential
- The vehicle is illegally parked outside of a parking space; including a fire lane, drive path, walkway, and/or any undefined area where parking stalls are not present
- The amount of unpaid citations recorded for the registered individual exceeds $99.00 (including citations in appeal)
- The vehicle displays an altered or counterfeit permit or daily visitor receipt
- The vehicle is determined to be abandoned, or otherwise considered a derelict vehicle
- The vehicle operator fails to heed verbal or written instructions from PTS or CSU Police
For release of a vehicle, an individual will be expected to do the following:
- Payment of all parking fines
- Payment of tow, boot, and storage fees
- Presentation of valid driver’s license
- Required to register the vehicle (if the vehicle is not registered)
In addition, a vehicle may be immobilized for information purposes, such as unregistered vehicles, enable face-to-face communication, security/safety reasons, and/or miscellaneous operational needs. Informational immobilizations are not subject to additional (boot) fees.
C. Reproduction or alteration of hangtag or daily receipt
Parking permits are the property of Cleveland State University. Any individual found to have reproduced or altered a parking credential is subject to a fine, vehicle impounding, payment of towing and storage fees and may be sanctioned in accordance with Section III.P of the Student Conduct Code (Falsification of Records, Fraud and False Testimony), or criminally prosecuted under the Ohio Revised Code.
D. Appeals
Any individual who wishes to appeal a citation must submit an appeal request to the PTS office within the established time frame. Parking appeals may be made in person, via email using the Parking Citation Appeal Form, or via the CSU GO Online Parking System. See Section V, paragraph A. Appeal forms will be available in the PTS office and on the department’s web site. Boot citations and tampering boot fees are not eligible to be appealed.
The Director of PTS or designee reviews all appeals. The Director has the authority to act upon an appeal based upon the written statements submitted. A decision will be issued within 21 calendar days of the date appeal was submitted. Decisions will be sent via electronic mail to the email address provided on the appeal form or via U.S. Mail if no email address is provided.
The Parking Review Board serves as the appellate body if an individual requests a second appeal review. The second appeal should include new information not available at the time of the Director’s (or designee’s) review. If desired, individual may make a personal appearance to support their position in front of the Parking Review Board. Second appeal decisions are based on the majority opinion after consideration of all available information.
A request for a second appeal review can be submitted in writing to the PTS office within 14 calendar days of the date the appeal decision was rendered. The second appeal can be submitted via the CSU GO Online Parking System, delivered to the PTS Office in person, or the second appeal form may be submitted via email. The second appeal requires the citation be paid before the second appeal can be submitted.
The Executive Director for Campus Support Services serves as the appellate to the Parking Review Board if an individual requests further review under the following conditions: an alleged failure to follow established rules and procedures and/or an alleged failure to meet a general standard of fairness. A request for further review must be submitted in writing to the Parking & Transportation Services office within ten (10) calendar days of the date the second appeal decision letter was sent.
UPDATED: 7/29/21
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue BH 115
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Berkman Hall, Room 115
1899 E. 22nd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216.687.2023
Fax: 216.687.5505
Office Hours*
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
*Subject to change during breaks/holidays