Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) partners with Disability Services offices in the State of Ohio to provide additional supports for students receiving vocational rehabilitation services through OOD. OOD serves individuals with a variety of physical, intellectual, sensory, and mental health disabilities. This program was developed as a partnership between the Ohio Department of Higher Education, Ohio businesses, and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. This partnership includes a vocational rehabilitation counselor, which OOD has stationed in Disability & Testing Services at Cleveland State. This program offers services on site for students at the educational institution that they are attending to accomplish their vocational goals.
This partnership can help connect students with resources that are outside of the scope of the Office of Disability & Testing Services. OOD can offer supports to students that extend outside of the campus and academics; into transitioning into CSU, funding and resources related to your vocational goal, and transitioning to employment after graduation. The OOD VR Counselor can help you identify if you are eligible for services and which services are offered that can benefit you. Students do not need to be affiliated with Disability & Testing Services at CSU to be eligible for OOD services. Supports this program aims to provide are:
- Vocational Guidance and Counseling
- Support Navigating Academics
- Leveraging assistive technology
- Connection to an Employer Network for Internships and Permanent Employment
- Navigating OhioMeansJobs resources
- Career Exploration and Counseling
- Resume and Interview Preparation
- Additional Advocacy and Support
To Learn more about this program you can visit
Contacting the OOD Counselor stationed in Disability & Testing Services
Bill Lindsey
CSU E-mail: w.k.lindsey@csuohio.edu
OOD E-mail: william.lindsey@ood.ohio.gov
Phone: 440-417-6326
Office: RW226 (Visit Disability & Testing Services)