Technology Transfer Office
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, Room 214
2258 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.9364
Fax: 216.687.9214
Latest News in Tech Transfer
Below, you will find our archive of news in technology transfer, which is also syndicated in each edition of the Office of Research newsletter at CSU. If you have any suggestions for monthly news to be included, please contact us.
November 2022
UPDATE: U.S. Patent Filing
Provisional patent application Ser. No. 63/420,875 was filed on October 31 on behalf of inventors Dr. Anthony Berdis, a professor in the Department of Chemistry, and Mark Sutton and Brian Tsuji from the University at Buffalo, titled “Artificial nucleosides that combat antibiotic resistance.” Antibiotic resistant bacteria are an urgent, global health threat. In the United States alone, approximately 3 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur. More than 35,000 individuals die as a result of these infections.
The invention discloses that combining artificial nucleosides with existing antibiotics produces a strong cytotoxic effect against drug-resistant bacteria. This combination also adversely affects the viability of bacterial persisters. Collectively, this unique drug combination provides a novel approach to combat drug resistance in highly infectious microbial species. Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Industry Collaboration via Open Innovation
Strategic Allies Ltd. is a global technology broker with tremendous experience in the global search for innovative technologies, solutions, products, strategic alliances and other new business generating opportunities. They connect technology rich companies, research institutions or individuals with global manufacturing brands, actively searching for such partners to an identified need.
Embracing all aspects of Open Innovation and often looking in places our manufacturing clients do not even know exist, Strategic Allies also understands the issues of confidentiality and sensitivity required to bring the right opportunities in what can often be disguised or complex situations. Strategic Allies' current opportunities can be viewed here. Contact Jack Kraszewski if you’d like an introduction to the Strategic Allies team.
August 2020
TeCK Fund is Accepting LOIs
The TeCK Fund is accepting letters of intent for commercialization support. Applicants selected to submit a full proposal will be required to make a presentation to the selection committee.
The TeCK Fund provides faculty pursuing applied research projects with funding (up to $100,000) to assist with commercialization activities, including prototype creation, third-party validation, and market research, which are required to successfully spin off technologies. LOIs submitted by August 21 will be prioritized for review.
Patent Application Pipeline
Two provisional patent applications by Dr. Girish Shukla, a professor in the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES) and a member of the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), have been converted to utility patent applications and have entered the prosecution stage.
The patent applications, both filed under a common title of “Methods for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer,” relate to a microRNA drug candidate miR-149-5p that downregulates key pathways to pancreatic cancer.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
July 2020
CSU Startup Wins SBIR Award
The CSU start-up company Bioprinting Laboratories, Inc. (BL) has received an official notice of award for their NIH SBIR Phase II proposal (1R44TR003491) entitled “Pillar and perfusion well plate platforms for reproducible organoid culture from iPSC.” The two-year funded amount totals $838,000. The award will build on miniature organ re-creation via 3D bio-printing, developed by Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE). CSU has licensed the IP portfolio to BL and has assisted previously with an award from the TeCK Fund for the support of BL’s TVSF Phase II award.
Learn IP Basics on August 6
Unfamiliar with patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets?
Join the Midwest Regional USPTO in Detroit, Michigan to learn about intellectual property (IP) basics and potential ways to protect your innovation as you transition from idea to product. This session for aspiring entrepreneurs, innovators, and students is held the first Thursday of each month. This month, the session will be on August 6. Space is limited, so register early for the teleconference. The discussion will cover an overview of intellectual property types: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets; and why innovators and entrepreneurs should consider protecting their IP.
June 2020
Provisional Patent Application
The CSU Patent Review Committee approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Hongxing Ye, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), titled “Privacy Preserving Approach to Peak Load Management.” The invention provides a novel privacy-preserving framework to manage the peak load of an energy system or grid. In the absence of detailed user profiles, the technology can still efficiently manage the peak load using a novel algorithm. The speed of the new method significantly outperforms state-of-art commercial optimization solvers.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
hBN Sunscreen
This year’s I-Corps @ Ohio program was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, CSU team hBN Sunscreen, led by Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Geyou Ao and supported by undergraduate students Brandon Heppe, Tanner Larson, Cameron Tolbert, and Jacob Vitale, was selected as an early participant to advance through the modified I-Corps @ Ohio online program.
The team is applying the customer discovery process to determine the commercial viability of a novel sunscreen comprised of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets in solvents at high concentrations. The nanosheets have enhanced biocompatibility and the high mass potency needed to produce emulsified products at lower material costs while remaining environmentally friendly relative to current products.
May 2020
Provisional Patent Application
The CSU Patent Review Committee held an online meeting on April 30 and approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Jerzy T.Sawicki, the Bently and Muszynska Endowed Chair and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MCE), and MCE graduate student Alican Sahinkaya, titled “Computational Cost Reduction of Generalized MIMO Controllers via Defined Controller Perturbations.” The novel controller removes the barriers for implementing high-order MIMO controllers by removing the high computational cost and complexity while maintaining desired robustness and performance features. The novel controller will have broad commercial applications in compressors, turbines, pumps, motors, generators, and potentially high end unmanned aerial vehicles.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
The State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI) has provided an overview of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) Small Business Innovative Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs by state, including the success rate of applications, the share of NIH funding allocated to SBIR awards to for-profit companies by state, and the total number of awards by state. A useful measure of states’ SBIR/STTR activities is the rate at which applications for funding are awarded. Nationwide in 2019, NIH made SBIR/STTR awards to 1,329 successful applicants out of 6,084 total applicants – equating to a national success rate of 21.8 percent.
This information was assembled by SSTI from NIH’s vast repository of information offered on its website. You can read the entire story here and view the interactive SBIR state-by-state award map.
April 2020
IP Event for CSU Entrepreneurs
All innovative and entrepreneurial faculty, students and staff are invited to an exciting and informative seminar presented by attorneys from the intellectual property law firm Fay Sharpe LLP. Whether you have questions or ideas you feel need copyright, trademark or patent protection, this seminar will provide the answers. Use cases of successful university research commercialization will be discussed as well as the processes currently in place at CSU to assist with commercialization.
Your registration to this free online webinar would be appreciated.
How and Why to Protect and Commercialize CSU Intellectual Property
April 23, 12:30pm to 1:30pm online
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
New Invention Disclosure
The Technology Transfer Office received an invention disclosure from Dr. Jerzy T. >Sawicki, the Bently and Muszynska Endowed Chair and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MCE) and Vice President for Research, and MCE graduate student Alican Sahinkaya for a novel controller for active magnetic bearings (AMB).
Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) model-based controllers are generally high-order controllers and have not been widely adopted in the AMB industry despite their superior performances compared to decentralized proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. One of the primary barriers to implementing high-order MIMO controllers is their high computational cost relative to the PID controllers. A novel approach was developed to reduce the controllers' computational complexity while maintaining desired robustness and performance features.
March 2020
IP Event for CSU Entrepreneurs
All innovative and entrepreneurial faculty, students and staff are invited to an exciting and informative seminar presented by attorneys from the intellectual property law firm Fay Sharpe LLP. Whether you have questions or ideas you feel need copyright, trademark or patent protection, this seminar will provide the answers. Use cases of successful university research commercialization will be discussed as well as the processes currently in place at CSU to assist with commercialization. Space is limited so early registration to this free seminar is advised.
How and Why to Protect and Commercialize CSU Intellectual Property
April 23, 12:30pm to 1:30pm in PH 104
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Plug and Play Innovation Day
Join global hospital, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and insurance leaders on April 23, 2020 to get a peek into the newest disruption and innovation in healthcare.
Plug and Play Cleveland’s Innovation Day will feature cutting-edge health tech startups working to improve patient outcomes and the provider experience in areas such as remote patient monitoring, voice enabled technologies, clinical decision support, and more.
The event will be held virtually due to concerns related to COVID-19. Learn more and register here.
February 2020
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved a second invention disclosure of Dr. Girish Shukla, a professor in the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES) and a member of the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), titled “Methods for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer.”
The microRNA drug candidate miR-149-5p downregulates key pathways to pancreatic cancer. Dr. Shukla’s initial results indicate a significant suppression of intracellular cholesterol and testosterone in tumors treated with miR-149-5p, indicating its tumor suppressive function.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
New TeCK Fund Commercialization Support
The TeCK Fund has awarded funds to Dr. Geyou Ao, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, to pursue commercialization of technology developed in her laboratory. Dr. Ao’s submission, titled “Liquid Dispersions and Sunscreen Applications of Boron Nitride Nanomaterials,” will focus on a chemical-free, environmentally friendly hexagonal boron nitride nanosheet-based sunscreen formulation. She has developed a process for producing highly aligned boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) films, which includes effectively dispersing, purifying, and inducing self-assembly of nanotubes by solvent evaporation.
The TeCK Fund is accepting Letters of Intent until May 30th, 2020. Contact Jack Kraszewski for information regarding the TeCK Fund and technology transfer.
January 2020
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Geyou Ao, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), titled "Liquid Dispersions of Boron Nitride Nanomaterials and Sunscreen Applications." The invention creates an environmentally friendly and cost-effective sunscreen product.
The Patent Review Committee also approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Brian Davis, Interim Associate Dean of the Washkewicz College of Engineering and a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MCE), and Josiah S. Owusu-Danquah, an assistant professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), titled "Self-Lengthening Metal Orthopedic Plate." The invention will facilitate the healing of bone breaks to the growth plate areas in adolescents.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Innovation Fund Info Session
Innovation Fund America is a nonprofit partnering with community colleges to accelerate the growth of technology startups through early-stage funding and education. The Innovation Fund assists technology startups led by entrepreneurs who want to create jobs in their communities and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs.
The first step in applying for the Innovation Fund awards is to attend a no-cost Information Session. A session will be held on January 30, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. at Jumpstart’s offices at 6701 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103. Participants will learn the ins and outs of Innovation Fund’s application process, and will hear from one of the Innovation Fund’s recent award winners who will share their experience going through the application process.
Registration is required and can be found here.
December 2019
Commercialization Updates
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), titled Perfusion Plate for Microarray 3d Bioprinting. The invention relates to using a unidirectional flow perfusion plate to support growth of 3D printed miniature cell constructs on a pillar plate. The highly specific cell constructs provide very accurate toxicity screening capabilities for drug compounds as well as screening of other biological substances. The miniaturized plate is more cost-effective than current large-scale tissue constructs.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Patents for Humanity Awards
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is seeking applications for the 2020 Patents for Humanity awards. The award honors innovators who use game-changing technology to meet global humanitarian challenges, including medicine, nutrition, living standards, sanitation, and energy. Winners receive public recognition of their work and a patent acceleration certificate to expedite select proceedings at the USPTO. The award is open to academic institutions, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, government agencies, and corporations. The deadline to apply is January 31.
November 2019
Commercialization Updates
The joint Cleveland State / Kent State TeCK Fund held its Selection Committee Meeting October 15th, 2019. CSU’s Dr. William Matcham, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing, was selected for funding for his project titled Improved Health Outcomes of Populations through Engagement (I-Hope) Community Services: A Community Health Worker Mobile Productivity Application. Dr. Matcham’s business plan focuses on providing a front line system to community health workers to allow them to assist medically underserved communities more efficiently.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for information regarding the TeCK Fund and technology transfer.
2020 I-Corps @ Ohio RFP
The I-Corps @ Ohio program has announced the release of the 2020 Request for Proposals for the sixth year of the program. I-Corps @ Ohio incorporates Lean Startup, Customer Discovery and Business Model Canvas methodologies to accelerate the commercialization of technologies from Ohio universities, colleges, and research institutions while expanding the business acumen and networks of faculty and students across the state.
Applications are now being accepted via the I-Corps online portal. Applications must be submitted by January 21, 2020.
October 2019
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Girish Shukla, a professor in the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES) and a member of the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), titled "Methods for the treatment of prostate cancer."
The microRNA-based drug candidate downregulates multiple cellular pathways that promote the transition of normal cells to cancerous cells, and works cooperatively with the castration-resistant prostate cancer drug Enzalutamide to elicit a profound therapeutic anti-tumor response in prostate cancer animal models.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
CSU Teams Complete the 2019 I-Corps @ Ohio Program
Two CSU research teams completed focused entrepreneurial and commercialization training though the 2019 I-Corps @ Ohio Program to advance the translation of their fundamental research to commercial markets.
From Left: Wei Fan, Michael Cantwell, Geyou Ao (PI), and Venkateswara Kode
Macroscopic Assembly and Processing of Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Multifunctional Nanomaterials Applications
From Left: Zavier McLean, William Matcham (PI), and Wenbing Zhao (Co-PI)
Technology-Enhanced Human Patient Simulations
September 2019
SBIR Event at JumpStart on September 19
Kory Hallett, PhD, a program director in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Development Center at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), will present information for researchers at JumpStart Cleveland’s offices on September 19 at 9:00 am. She will review key NCI SBIR/STTR information including:
- New and existing funding opportunities
- Commercialization resources available at NCI SBIR
- SBIR/STTR application tips and suggestions
- I-Corps at NIH and other training programs
One-on-one sessions are available, and interested faculty can register here.
CSU Licenses Technology to Start-Up BioPrinting Laboratories
CSU has licensed the U.S. Patent Serial No. 15/816,485 and PCT/US17/62266 titled “Chip platforms for microarray 3D bioprinting” (Pending 2017) to BioPrinting Laboratories, Inc.
BioPrinting Laboratories, a CSU start-up company created by CSU faculty researcher Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, was also recently awarded Ohio Third Frontier Phase 2 funding totaling $150,000. This is the first CSU start-up company to receive a Phase 2 award. BioPrinting Laboratories will commercialize proprietary micro-array chip platforms to provide high throughput, in-vivo like drug toxicity screening for lead drug candidates.
August 2019
Plug and Play Cleveland's Health + Tech Happy Hour
Join Plug and Play Cleveland and your startup community for an evening of casual connecting and short, snappy startup pitches. Plug and Play will host a Health + Tech Happy Hour at the Skylight Financial Group Penthouse on August 29 at 5:00 pm. Attendees will hear how Plug and Play’s hospital partners have enhanced innovation via startups, how your startup peers (and perhaps competition!) have accelerated their ventures, and how Plug and Play Cleveland plans to work with this already-vibrant ecosystem to showcase the region as a digital solutions tech hub for health and beyond. For more information and registration visit here.
Reminder: The TeCK Fund is Seeking Faculty Entrepreneurs
The TeCK Fund is accepting letters of intent for commercialization support. Applicants selected to submit a full proposal will be required to make a presentation to the selection committee. Applications are due by May 1, 2020.
The TeCK Fund provides faculty pursuing applied research projects with funding to assist with commercialization activities, including prototype creation, third-party validation, and market research, which are required to successfully spin off technologies.
July 2019
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
U.S. utility patent application no. 16/502423 was filed on July 3, 2019 for Dr. Antonie van den Bogert and graduate student Christopher Schroeck’s invention, titled Rotation Monitoring System and Method. Dr. van den Bogert is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The technology development was sponsored in part by the Parker Hannifin Corporation. The invention provides an array of non-rigid, elastic strain sensors designed to monitor the relative motion of joints. The team is actively pursuing commercialization of the technology, including completion of the University of Akron’s I-Corps Site program and admission into the 2019 Flashstarts Accelerator.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
TeCK Fund Accepting Letters of Intent from Faculty Entrepreneurs
The TeCK Fund, a joint technology commercialization and startup fund co-managed by Cleveland State University and Kent State University, is now accepting letters of intent for commercialization support. Applicants selected to submit a full proposal will be required to make a presentation to the selection committee. Applications are due May 1, 2020.
The TeCK Fund provides faculty pursuing applied research projects with funding to assist with commercialization activities, including prototype creation, third-party validation, and market research, which are required to successfully spin off technologies.
June 2019
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office has received a joint invention disclosure from Dr. Chris Wirth, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), Emily Pentzer, an assistant professor of Chemistry at CWRU, and Qinmo Lu, a CWRU Ph.D. student. The invention is titled Process for Sizing Two Dimensional (2D) Nanomaterials. 2D nanomaterials are highly attractive in the fabrication of next-generation wearable, highly flexible, and transparent electronic and optoelectronic devices. A significant problem with 2D nanomaterials is measuring each unique material's size in order to determine how best it can be applied. The inventors have created a 2D nanomaterial sizing method using optical microscopy. This invention disclosure is a direct result of an opportunity provided by the IoT Collaborative.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Moo-Yeal Lee Receives Phase 2 Commercialization Award
BioPrinting Labs, Inc., a CSU start-up company created by CSU faculty researcher Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, has been awarded CSU’s first Ohio Department Services Agency (ODSA) Technology Validation and Start-up Fund Phase 2 grant in the amount of $150,000. Dr. Lee, an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), previously was awarded a TeCK Fund Phase 1 award in March, 2018.
The Phase 2 award will further Dr. Lee’s efforts to achieve market entry of the 384PillarPlate in 2020. BioPrinting Labs will use the ODSA award to functionalize and sterilize the surface of the 384PillarPlate and to scale up manufacturing. In addition, funds will be used to purchase key equipment for cell/tissue quality control. The TeCK Fund is a joint technology commercialization and startup fund co-managed by Cleveland State University and Kent State University.
May 2019
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), titled Perfusion Well Plate for Miniature 3D Bioprinting. The innovative design improves cell imaging capabilities and supports tissue-tissue interactions within the device structure, which will lead to improvements in the investigation of complex organ-organ communications for disease modeling and predictive drug screening.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
TeCK Fund Phase II Awarded
The TeCK Fund, a joint technology commercialization and startup fund co-managed by Cleveland State University and Kent State University, has been awarded $300,000 by the Ohio Third Frontier Commission to continue its mission to accelerate commercialization of university technology and bring innovative new products to market. The funding augments a previous combined award of $800,000 that established the TeCK Fund in 2017. The TeCK Fund provides faculty pursuing applied research projects with funding to assist with commercialization activities, including prototype creation, third-party validation, and market research, which are required to successfully spin off technologies.
April 2019
CSU Researchers Receive Commercialization Funding
Two CSU researchers have been selected for Ohio’s focused entrepreneurial and commercialization training though the 2019 I-Corps @ Ohio Program, an initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education to advance the translation of fundamental research to commercial markets. Each selected research team is awarded $15,000 to participate in a seven-week training program to better understand the market for their technology and develop a commercialization strategy for their products.
Dr. Geyou Ao, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, seeks to commercially develop functional boron nitride nanotubes, which are ideal candidates for a variety of applications, such as protective shields, mechanical and/or thermal reinforcements for a range of composites, self-cleaning materials, biology, and medicine.
Dr. William Matcham, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing, and Dr. WenbingZhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), are developing an automated method to objectively assess the performance of students during human patient simulation (HPS) training that incorporates computer vision, predefined rules, and a custom designed debriefing mobile application to give feedback to students.
March 2019
NSF Revises SBIR/STTR Application Process
America’s Seed Fund powered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) is piloting changes to the Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) proposal submission process. Starting in March 2019, startups or entrepreneurs who submit a three-page Project Pitch will know within three weeks if they are a good fit for the SBIR/STTR program’s objectives of supporting innovative technologies that show promise of commercial and/or societal impact and involve technical risk.
Startups or entrepreneurs can submit a Project Pitch at any time during the pilot, which runs through December 2019. More details about the NSF’s new process are available at
Venture Law Meetup Breakfast Series April 12
Cleveland State University is joining with Squire Patton Boggs and other Northeast Ohio organizations to host the Venture Law Meetup - Donuts & Coffee series. This monthly informational series aims to equip executive officers and founders of new start-ups with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various aspects of launching and growing a new venture. The next event in the series is Friday, April 12, 2019. This month’s topic is “Enhancing Capabilities and Accelerating Pace to Market.” Squire Patton Boggs attorney Leah Brownlee will be joined by the Cleveland Clinic Innovations team to discuss. Registration information can be found here.
February 2019
Patent Pipeline @ CSU
Use of MyoD Mutant to Treat Muscular Dystrophy
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Crystal Weyman, a professor and Chair of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES) and a member of the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), titled Use of MyoD Mutant to Treat Muscular Wasting, Damage or Dystrophies.
Current treatment of muscular dystrophy primarily involves the use of steroids. The present invention uses a proprietary mutant solution that targets the molecule responsible for controlling muscle stem cell differentiation as well as controlling stimuli that induce programmed cell death. The global duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) drugs market size is expected to reach USD 4.11 billion by 2023, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.
Augmented Reality Based Human Patient Simulations for Nurse Training
The CSU Patent Review Committee has approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and Dr. WilliamMatcham, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing, titled System and Method for Automatically Recognizing Activities and Gaze patterns in Human Patient Simulations. Current nursing student instruction includes direct faculty observation during simulation training sessions, or videotaping the entire simulation and having the instructor watch the videotape with the student to provide feedback. This invention describes an automated method to objectively assess the performance of students using computer vision, predefined rules, and a custom-designed debriefing mobile application.
January 2019
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has allowed the patent application of Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The invention, titled “Systems and Methods for Privacy-Aware Motion Tracking with Notification Feedback,” relates to a method and apparatus for monitoring the body motions of patient handlers in nursing homes and providing instant feedback if best practices are not followed. The technology will improve patient handlers’ wellness by reducing musculoskeletal disorders.
Medical Capital Innovation Competition Announced
Virtual reality, augmented reality, and extended reality (AR/VR/XR) are fundamentally changing healthcare. The Medical Capital Innovation Competition (MCIC) invites the best and brightest AR/VR/XR healthcare innovators to show Cleveland and the world how you will change the future of healthcare.
Cash prizes totaling $100,000, mentoring, and access to business advisors, including world-class healthcare systems and collaborators, will be awarded. Applications will be accepted between January 14 and March 15, 2019.
December 2018
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
An invention disclosure was received from Dr. Geyou Ao, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, disclosing a process for producing highly aligned boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) films. The process includes effectively dispersing, purifying, and inducing self-assembly of nanotubes by solvent evaporation. Functionalized and aligned BNNTs are ideal candidates for a variety of applications, such as protective shields, mechanical and/or thermal reinforcements for a range of composites, self-cleaning materials, biology, and medicine.
I-Corps @ Ohio 2019
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) announced the release of the 2019 Request for Proposals for the fifth year of the I-Corps @ Ohio Program.
The I-Corps @ Ohio program incorporates Lean Startup, Customer Discovery and Business Model Canvas methodologies to accelerate the commercialization of technologies from Ohio universities, colleges, and research institutions while expanding the business acumen and networks of faculty and students across the state. The resulting companies will drive sustainable technology-based economic development in Ohio. The deadline to register is January 15, 2019. The RFP can be viewed here, and the application portal can be found here.
November 2018
Patent Pipeline @ CSU
Human Motion Tracking
U.S. provisional patent application no. 62/741979 was filed October 5, 2018 for Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). His invention, titled Methods for Privacy-Aware Motion Tracking with Notification Feedback, enables discriminative tracking of a worker’s activities and encourages them to be compliant with best practices in order to improve the worker’s well-being and reduce claim submissions to the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation.
MicroRNA (MiRNA) for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Purposes
An invention disclosure was received from Dr. Girish Shukla, a professor in the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES) and a member of the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), disclosing the therapeutic effects of his MiRNA technology on prostate cancer cells. Dr. Shukla has developed a gene therapy treatment which targets several different pathways and significantly reduces the growth of prostate cancer cells in mice. According to the American Cancer Society, one in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. The global prostate cancer therapeutics market is expected to reach $12.0 billion by 2025, according to a report by Grand View Research, Inc.
October 2018
CSU Launches University Research and Entrepreneurial Skills Program with Country of Georgia
Dr. Iryna Lendel, Director of the Center for Economic Development at CSU, has been awarded $300,000 by the Embassy of the United States to Georgia, a division of the U.S. Department of State, to implement a University Research and Entrepreneurial Skills Program. The goals of the work are to assist Georgian universities with the development of teaching and research capacity, commercialization and entrepreneurship programs, and collaborations with businesses, governments, and international partners.
Several CSU staff members will lend their expertise to the program and provide training to participants:
- Dr. Jerzy Sawicki, Vice President for Research, will provide training in university research administration, scholarly publishing, developing relationships between universities and industry, developing funded research, and commercialization.
- Ms. Colette Hart, Senior Director at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, will lead entrepreneurship training, organization of competitions, and creation of cross-campus entrepreneurship training.
- Mr. Jack Kraszewski, Director of the Technology Transfer Office, will lead the training in commercialization and industry-university research and development.
September 2018
Patent Pipeline @ CSU
3-D Printed Miniature Biological Constructs
During its review of a patent application for Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), the United States Patent and Trademark Office found that the application contains two distinct inventions. This may result in an additional patent application as a companion to Dr. Lee’s U.S. Patent Application No. 15/404,291, titled “3D-Printed Miniature Biological Constructs.”
Systems and Methods for Privacy-Aware Motion Tracking
A non-final office action was received from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding a patent application for Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The office action for U.S. Non-Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 15/190,669, titled “Systems And Methods For Privacy-Aware Motion Tracking With Notification Feedback,” relied on incorrect prior art. The USPTO examiner will be asked to allow the application or cite the correct prior art.
August 2018
Upcoming Forums for Entrepreneurs
The FDA MedTech Regulatory Forum, presented by Bio-Ohio, will be held on August 28 at the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. This year’s event brings some of the medical device industry’s regulatory professionals directly to you.
The program will discuss changing regulations and present actionable recommendations for next steps, along with examining other critical industry trends. The event will also be an excellent networking opportunity with a Social to follow at 3:30 pm. You can find more information and register here.
The Venture Law Meetup Series aims to equip executive officers and founders of new Cleveland-based start-ups with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various aspects of launching and growing a new venture. The hour-long presentation and discussion event is complimentary and features donuts from local bakeries and fresh coffee.
The first Meetup will take place on September 7 at 8:00 am at the offices of Squire Patton Boggs, LLP, 4900 Key Tower. The topic is Corporate Basics for Start-Ups, an overview of the initial considerations an entrepreneur should be aware of as they take a concept and mold it into a new business.
July 2018
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
U.S. provisional patent application 62/693,467 was filed on July 3, 2018 for Dr. Antonie van den Bogert and graduate student Christopher Schroeck’s invention, titled Rotation and/or Flexion Monitoring System and Method. Dr. van den Bogert is a professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The technology development was sponsored in part by the Parker Hannifin Corporation and took first place in the Stretch Your Mind Engineering Challenge in 2016. The invention provides an array of non-rigid, elastic strain sensors designed to monitor the relative motion of joints. The initial market focus will be on tracking the progress of patients undergoing knee rehabilitation.
U.S. patent application 16/023059 was filed June 29, 2018 for Dr. Ye Zhu, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), for his invention, titled Augmented Reality Authentication Methods and Systems.
With the increasing popularity of augmented reality (AR) devices such as Microsoft's HoloLens and Google Glass, capabilities of securing access to an individual's AR content are needed. Instead of typing in a password, the AR authentication invention utilizes a gaze-based system. The motion of a user’s eyes is utilized to log in a user when he or she views a scene generated on a display of an AR device.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with protecting your invention or intellectual property.
June 2018
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
U.S. utility patent application no. 15/990,937 was filed on May 29, 2018 for Dr. Hanz Richter’s invention, titled Powered Machine and Control Method with Programmable Mechanical Impedance for Concentric-Eccentric Human Exercise. Dr. Richter is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The technology development was sponsored in part by the NSF. The invention includes an electric motor, sensors, and a control method to obtain continuously variable mechanical resistance during exercise.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Startup Scaleup in Cleveland
Jumpstart will host Startup Scaleup 2018 on Cleveland’s west side on Tuesday, June 26. During this all-day event, attendees can attend workshops, panel discussions and networking events to learn about and engage with other community members. Featured speakers include entrepreneurs, investors, and executives from across the region. JumpStart and other community partners will provide information regarding how to access entrepreneurial resources in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.
The event will be held in the Gordon Square Arts District. Registration information for Startup Scaleup 2018 can be found here.
May 2018
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The European Patent Office has allowed the patent application titled Nano-Engineered Ultra-Conductive Nanocomposite Copper Wire, which names Dr. Taysir Nayfeh, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as inventor. The invention relates to a method and apparatus for manufacturing ultra-strong nano-composite wire in a die-casting machine using copper material that has been pre-loaded with carbon nanotubes.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
CSU Entrepreneurs Advance
A team of CSU MBA students has reached the semifinals of the Akron LaunchTown Entrepreneurship Awards. The PneuKinetics team is commercializing technology developed by Dr. Antonie van den Bogert, a professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. A provisional patent application, titled Exoskeleton System, was recently filed for the technology, which is a passive exoskeleton that helps patients regain walking ability and accelerates functional improvements both in daily life and in physical therapy. Commercialization partners are being sought. Contact Jack Kraszewski for further information.
April 2018
Ye Zhu Receives NSF I-Corps Training Award
Dr. Ye Zhu, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), has received an NSF I-Corps award to explore the commercial potential of his authentication technology. Dr. Zhu’s team will receive $50,000 over a six month period to participate in the I-Corps curriculum. The project is titled Securing Mobile Devices with Memorable, usable, and Secure Authentication. During the training, Dr. Zhu and his team will engage with industry, talk to customers, partners and competitors, and develop entrepreneurial skills to facilitate commercialization.
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Patent Review Committee reviewed and approved the invention disclosure submitted by Professor Antonie van den Bogert, a professor and the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and graduate student Chris Schroeck, titled Flexion and Rotation Monitor. The invention provides an array of non-rigid, elastic strain sensors to monitor the relative motion of joints in the human body. The initial market focus will be on tracking the progress of patients undergoing knee rehabilitation via physical therapy.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Drug Development Boot Camp
BioEnterprise and Charles River Laboratories are hosting a Drug Development Boot Camp, which will be held at the Global Center for Health Innovation on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
This educational one-day event will provide an overview of the drug discovery and development process, and a practical understanding of how to translate research to clinical development. Additional event and registration information is available here.
March 2018
Technology Commercialization
The CSU Technology Transfer Office (TTO) has entered into an option agreement with YST Diagnostics, Inc., a startup company formed by Dr. Siu-Tung Yau, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The option agreement provides YST Diagnostics with a six-month period to exclusively negotiate with the TTO to in-license the intellectual property portfolio for Dr. Yau’s electrochemical biosensor technology. A specific application of the technology for food was previously licensed to ProteoSense, Inc., an early stage diagnostic company.
Startup Funding
Join Health-Tech Corridor (HTC) and Jumpstart for an informational breakfast about the Health-Tech Corridor Attraction Fund. Attendees will learn about Fund specifics, how to apply, and other resources available to startup companies in the Health-Tech Corridor. The Fund is looking for investment opportunities with a low barrier to entry, a large addressable market, and strong exit potential.
The event will be held on March 22, 2018 at Midtown Cleveland, Inc.’s offices. Registration information can be found here.
February 2018
Moo-Yeal Lee: TeCK Funding
The TeCK Fund held its second Selection Committee meeting on Jan. 22, 2018 and selected two full proposals for funding. Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE), received funding to help commercialize his technology Miniaturized 3D Bioprinting of Human Cells on a Chip for Disease Modeling. The technology, developed with support from an NIH grant, is expected to provide more accurate selection of compounds in the drug discovery process prior to human trials. Kent State’s Speed Manipulated Adaptive Rehabilitation Therapy (SMART) bike for Parkinson’s disease was also selected for funding. The Selection Committee approved each proposal for $100,000 in funding.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for information regarding the TeCK Fund and technology transfer.
Innovation Competition
The 2nd Annual Medical Capital Innovation Competition (MCIC2) is a two-day business plan competition open to professional and collegiate teams from around the world that are working with big data, artificial intelligence, enhanced reality, and other disruptive technologies to improve healthcare. $100,000 in prizes, mentoring, and access to business advisors, including world-class healthcare systems and collaborators, will be awarded. Submissions are accepted through March 16, 2018.
Application information can be found here. Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
January 2018
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Patent Review Committee (PRC) approved two invention disclosures submitted by Dr. Baochuan Guo, a professor in the Department of Chemistry, to proceed with a provisional patent application. Dr. Guo’s inventions provide a novel method of concentrating hemoglobin in combination with mass spectrometry immunoassay quantification to provide a highly sensitive colorectal cancer screening test. The inventions are titled: 1) Method for Quantitative Elution and Digestion of Immuno-captured Proteins, and 2) Method to Quantitate Human Hemoglobin in Stool for Colorectal Cancer Screening.
The PRC also approved a disclosure submitted by Dr. Ye Zhu, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). Dr. Zhu’s invention, titled A Multi-Dimensional Authentication Scheme Based on Augmented Reality, provides a novel method of authentication through a series of common item moves by the user.
Dr. Antonie van den Bogert, a professor and the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and graduate student Chris Schroeck, submitted an invention disclosure titled Flexion and Rotation Monitor. The invention provides an array of non-rigid, elastic strain sensors to monitor the relative motion of joints in the human body.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with protecting your invention or intellectual property.
December 2017
Wenbing Zhao: TeCK Funding
During its November meeting, the Selection Committee for the TeCK Fund selected two full proposals to receive $100,000 each in commercialization acceleration funding. Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), will continue to develop his Privacy Aware Compliance Tracking System to ensure best practices are followed by nurses and patient handlers in elder care settings. A Kent State research team was funded for their submission titled “Torel, LLC - Toxic Gas and Vapor Sensors.”
Contact Jack Kraszewski for information regarding the TeCK Fund and technology transfer.
Register for I-Corps @ Ohio
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) has released the 2018 Request for Proposals for the fourth year of the I-Corps @ Ohio Program.
I-Corps @ Ohio incorporates Lean Startup, Customer Discovery, and Business Model Canvas methodologies to accelerate commercialization of technologies from Ohio universities and colleges while expanding the business acumen and networks of faculty and students across the state. The registration deadline is January 16, 2018.
For more information on applying to the I-Corps @ Ohio Program, contact Jack Kraszewski.
November 2017
I-Corps @ Ohio 2018 Request for Proposals
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) has announced the release of the 2018 Request for Proposals for the fourth year of the I-Corps @ Ohio Program.
I-Corps @ Ohio incorporates Lean Startup, Customer Discovery, and Business Model Canvas methodologies to accelerate commercialization of technologies from Ohio universities and colleges while expanding the business acumen and networks of faculty and students across the state. The resulting companies will drive sustainable, technology-based economic development in Ohio. The registration deadline is January 16, 2018.
For more information on applying to the I-Corps@Ohio Program, contact Jack Kraszewski.
Password Protection in Augmented Reality
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is processing the invention disclosure for a three dimensional password scheme based on augmented reality. The password scheme will authenticate a user of an augmented reality platform through a series of common item moves by the user, such as pouring a specific cream into a coffee mug then filling it with coffee. The disclosure was submitted by Associate Professor Ye Zhu from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The invention is titled: A Multi-Dimensional Authentication Scheme Based on Augmented Reality.
Treating Autism with a Virtual Coach
The TTO has also reviewed the invention disclosure for an avatar based virtual life coach software platform to enhance communication with autistic children. Different from other systems, the invention proposes that the life coaching materials be aligned closely with the intense interests of individuals with autism. The disclosure was submitted by Professor Wenbing Zhao from EECS, and Associate Professor Xiongyi Liu from the Department of Curriculum and Foundations. The invention is titled: Buddy: A Virtual Life Coaching System for Children and Adolescents with High Functioning Autism.
October 2017
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) has processed the invention disclosure for a passive (not electrically powered) exoskeleton incorporating pneumatic technology. The invention, titled Pneumatic System for Walking Gait Restoration, restores the walking gait of persons with neurological disabilities such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, partial spinal cord damage, and cerebral palsy. Inventors are Antonie J. (Ton) van den Bogert, a professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and College of Engineering students Daniel Miller, Ryan Doris, Robert Moody, and Donald Grimes.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with filing a disclosure to begin protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Medical Innovation Summit
On October 23-25, Cleveland Clinic’s Medical Innovation Summit will bring together more than 2,250 of the brightest leaders from around the world to downtown Cleveland to discuss the investable technologies that will deliver on the powerful promise of genomics and precision medicine. Regardless of your field, the Summit will offer a slate of premier speakers, the hottest topics, and an unmatched network of professionals that can help you prepare for the ever-changing healthcare market.
Registration information for the Medical Innovation Summit can be found here.
September 2017
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) has processed the invention disclosures submitted by Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (CBE) and Dr. Xue-Long Sun, a professor in the Department of Chemistry. Their invention, titled Multiplexed immune cell assays on a micropillar/microwell chip platform, involves the use of a micropillar/microwell chip platform for the rapid creation of 3D-cultured immune cells via novel microarray bioprinting technology.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property.
Upcoming Biomedical Events

BioOhio, the state’s bioscience membership organization, is celebrating its 30th year. They are hosting a networking social to bring the bioscience community together to meet, talk shop, and get to know one another in a casual atmosphere. The event will be held in Cleveland on September 19 at the Wild Eagle Saloon.
The Cleveland Medical Hackathon will return this year in conjunction with the Cleveland Clinic’s Medical Innovation Summit on October 21-22. The Hackathon will be held at the Global Center for Health Innovation. Register here to participate.
August 2017
TeCK Fund Available to Faculty
CSU and partner Kent State University (KSU) are managing the TeCK Fund, created through an Ohio Technology Validation Start-up Fund (TVSF) award. The TeCK Fund provides faculty and startup companies with up to $100,000 to assist with commercialization activities. TeCK Fund awards target prototype creation and market research, which are required to successfully spin off technologies. Applicants that have completed I-Corps@Ohio training are prioritized for TeCK fund awards.
For more information on the TeCK Fund and other commercialization resources available to CSU faculty, contact Jack Kraszewski.
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is currently processing invention disclosures for a novel exoskeleton that can restore walking in persons with severe disabilities such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, or spinal cord injury. The disclosure was submitted by Dr. Ton van den Bogert, Parker Hannifin Endowed Chair and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a group of his students. Dr. van den Bogert’s invention is titled Pneumatic System for Walking Gait Restoration.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property..
July 2017
SBIR/STTR Opportunities
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs annually provide $2.5 billion in funding to small advanced technology firms to spur new technological discoveries and facilitate the commercialization of innovations. Together they represent America's Largest Seed Fund.
Register to meet with SBIR/STTR Program Managers from multiple federal agencies on Thursday, July 20, 2017. The SBIR Road Tour will be held at Ohio Aerospace Institute, 22800 Cedar Point Road, Cleveland, OH 44142.
OFRN Research Opportunity
Through the Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN), Access Flight Training Services, LLC (AFTS) is seeking partners to develop and provide a virtual reality-based flight training system (VR SIM) tailored to specific aircraft. The VR SIM service would require the development and integration of system components, some of which currently exist in the marketplace and some of which still need to be created.
CSU serves as the marketing and outreach lead for OFRN’s commercialization efforts. Contact Jack Kraszewski for further information.
June 2017
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
A U.S. provisional patent application was filed on April 3, 2017 for Dr. Hanz Richter’s invention titled Powered Machine and Control Method with Programmable Mechanical Impedance for Concentric-Eccentric Human Exercise. Dr. Richter is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The technology development was sponsored in part by the NSF. The invention includes an electric motor, sensors, and a control method to obtain continuously variable mechanical resistance during exercise.
OFRN Research Opportunity
GE Aviation has proposed a $350,000 sponsored research project for university researchers to develop solutions to extend the matrix life of polyimide (PI) composites. Thin ply PI composites have been shown to have advantages in reduced residual stress, microcracking, and damage initiation.
CSU serves as the marketing and outreach lead for the Ohio Federal Research Network’s (OFRN) commercialization efforts. Contact Jack Kraszewski for further information on project requirements and funding opportunity details.
May 2017
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
A U.S. provisional patent application was filed on April 3, 2017 for Drs. Ye Zhu, Conor McLennan and Philip Manning’s invention titled Authentication Method for a Computing Device Using Interactive Game Board and Game Piece Images. Dr. Zhu is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Dr. McLennan is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology, and Dr. Manning is a professor in the department of Criminology, Anthropology, and Sociology.
The invention was resubmitted as a provisional application based on new market opportunities discovered during Dr. Zhu’s participation in the I-Corps @ Ohio program. The claims in the invention disclosure protect a range of systems and methods for authenticating a user of a computing device or computer system by using a graphical and interactive game board passcode.
Industry Research Interests
The Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN), an effort aimed at expanding federal research by Ohio universities, has identified opportunities for industry sponsored research.
- GrafTech seeks partners to develop usage guidelines for their GRAFGUARD fire retardant materials that will reduce time to launch and increase the rate of successful applications.
- GE Aviation seeks partners with experience with thermoset resin flow to develop rheological measurements at up to 200 psia and 700 °F.
- GE Aviation also seeks collaboration in developing high-temperature resins and resin transfer molding processes.
CSU serves as the marketing and outreach lead for OFRN’s commercialization efforts. Contact Jack Kraszewski for further information.
April 2017
CSU Wins Ohio TVSF Funding
Cleveland State received a Technology Validation Start-up Fund (TVSF) award from the Ohio Third Frontier Commission, part of the Ohio Development Services Agency, to accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of faculty innovations. CSU is partnering with Kent State University (KSU) to manage the TeCK Fund, which will provide faculty and startup companies from each university access to an $800,000 pool of funding that will assist with commercialization activities including creating prototypes and performing market research. The TeCK Fund fills a gap in support and funding for these activities, which are required to successfully spin off technologies. Faculty teams that complete the I-Corps @ Ohio training program will be prioritized for TVSF funding. For more information on the TeCK fund and commercialization resources available to CSU faculty, contact Jack Kraszewski.
I-Corps @ Ohio Teams Selected
Three CSU research teams have been selected for Ohio’s focused entrepreneurial and commercialization training though the 2017 I-Corps @ Ohio Program, an initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education to advance the translation of fundamental research to commercial market. Each selected research team is provided $15,000 to participate in the seven-week training program to better understand the market for their technology and develop a commercialization strategy for their products. The three selected Cleveland State research projects are:
- Chip-based, Miniaturized 3D Bioprinting for Chemical Toxicity Assessment, led by Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
- A Privacy-Aware Compliance Tracking System with Real-time Feedback, led by Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
- Campressor, based on technology developed by Kevin Calmer, BS candidate in Mechanical Engineering, led by Dr. Majid Rashidi, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Patent Filed for Prof. Kalafatis
A U.S. provisional patent application was filed March 15, 2017 for Dr. Michael Kalafatis’ invention titled Death Receptors Predict rhTRAIL-Sensitivity. Dr. Kalafatis is member of GRHD and a professor in the Department of Chemistry.
As an anti-cancer therapeutic, rhTRAIL holds great promise due to its selectivity for cancer cells. The invention is used to determine a patient’s susceptibility to rhTRAIL-based treatments, allowing a patient to be more appropriately placed in rhTRAIL clinical trials and improve rhTRAIL as an anti-cancer therapeutic. As a result, patients can receive potent anti-cancer therapy with reduced side effects.
Patent Filed for Prof. Zhu
A U.S. provisional patent application was filed on April 3, 2017 for Dr. Ye Zhu, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The invention is titled Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Authentication Method, and the patent application is directed to protect a mobile phone user's login information from theft by a shoulder-surfing attacker.
March 2017
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is currently processing a patent application submitted by Ye Zhu, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), for a novel login process using a 3D authentication method. Dr. Zhu’s invention, Authentication Method Using Interactive Three-Dimensional Environments, discloses methods in which a user interacts with virtual three-dimensional environments to authenticate themselves on a mobile device or similar electronic device.
Patent Policy Under Trump
During an eventful start to the Trump administration, the question of how the government will address patent reform has gone largely unanswered. “Predicting Patent Policy Under the Trump Administration” by Mark Hannemann and colleagues at Shearman & Sterling, LLP, summarizes the on-going patent reform debate and speculates on future patent policy direction under the Trump administration. Additional viewpoints can be found in the article “Will the Trump Administration Be Pro Patent?” by Joseph Allen.
February 2017
Healthcare Data Competition
Do you have a big idea for managing healthcare big data? The Medical Capital Innovation Competition is offering $100,000 in prizes for the best innovations in the collection, management, analysis, and optimization of healthcare big data. The most innovative ideas will receive meaningful funding, mentoring, and potential access to three world class healthcare systems and collaborators who can turn big ideas into new big business realities.
The Medical Capital Innovation Competition will be held April 25-26 at Cleveland’s Global Center for Health Innovation in the HIMSS Innovation Center. Professional and collegiate teams are encouraged to participate. The application deadline is March 31.
CSU I-Corps Teams Progress
Three CSU teams have been selected to submit full proposals to participate in the next I-Corps @ Ohio cohort, including a first-of-its-kind team seeking to commercialize student-developed technology.
Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, and Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, are each leading a team. Dr. Majid Rashidi, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is the faculty lead for the team that is commercializing technology invented by undergraduate senior Kevin Calmer.
January 2017
Patent Application Filed
U.S. Patent Application No. 15/344,886 was filed for Dr. Jerzy Sawicki's invention titled Active Radial Magnetic Bearing Phased Array. Dr. Sawicki is the Vice President for Research and a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The invention improves rotordynamic controllability by providing the ability to electronically adjust the actuator-sensor configuration of a bearing array and is particularly well suited to flexible shaft designs.
CSU Faculty Apply for I-Corps
Drs. Moo-Yeal Lee and Wenbing Zhao have each submitted an application to participate in the next I-Corps @ Ohio cohort. The program offers a $15K grant to successful applicants for entrepreneurial training and support to develop their technologies.
Dr. Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and Dr. Zhao is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
December 2016
I-Corps @ Ohio: Deadline January 10
The I-Corps @ Ohio program recently released the 2017 Request for Proposals, which can be viewed here. The program provides a $15K grant to aspiring entrepreneurial teams for training to better understand the market for their technology, develop a compelling commercialization strategy, and learn skills that will be useful for a long-term career in research and development. The deadline for applications is January 10.
Completion of the I-Corps @ Ohio program will also provide teams with priority status for TVSF funding. CSU has submitted a proposal for TVSF Phase 1: Track B funding which, if awarded, will be administered by the CSU TTO.
An informational webinar about the I-Corps @ Ohio program and application process is scheduled for December 16 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please note that all I-Corps @ Ohio teams from CSU must be approved by the TTO. Contact Jack Kraszewski if you are interested in applying.
Notice of Allowance
The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), has notified Cleveland State that the USPTO intends to issue a patent for the application titled Electrochemical System and Method Thereof. The technology was developed by Dr. Siu-Tung Yau, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the patent has been licensed for a limited field of use to ProteoSense, LLC to detect pathogens in the food supply chain.
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
A provisional patent application has been filed for Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee's invention Pillar and Well Structures for Microarray 3D BioPrinting. Dr. Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
The Copyright Review Committee approved the invention disclosure of Dr. Byron White, Vice President for University Engagement. The copyright will protect Dr. White's creative work and the underlying structure of his Career Lines assessment tool.
November 2016
Industry Collaboration for Joint Patent
The first CSU-Parker Hannifin joint patent application is being prepared for filing with the USPTO. Dr. Jerzy Sawicki and his doctoral student Curt Laubscher from the Department of Mechanical Engineering are the CSU inventors and Dr. Ryan Farris and Steven Etheridge are the Parker Hannifin inventors. The invention is titled Actuator for Powered Pediatric Lower Limb Orthosis, and the technology provides a lightweight and compact design with high efficiency and full-back drivability. It also affords quiet operation using toothed belt transmissions with adjustable belt tension.
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is currently reviewing an invention disclosure for a new chip design to create miniaturized, layered human tissues on a pillar plate and well plate, submitted by assistant professor Moo-Yeal Lee in the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Lee’s invention, Pillar and Well Structures for Microarray 3D BioPrinting, has been under development for over one year and is sponsored in part by the NIH and EPA.
Third Frontier TVSF Deadline
The deadline to prepare an application for TVSF funding under the 2016 Round 13 RFP is December 15, 2016. The Ohio Third Frontier created the TVSF to support economic growth through start-up companies that commercialize technologies developed in Ohio's higher education and not-for-profit research institutions. Contact Jack Kraszewski if you intend to submit a TVSF proposal.
October 2016
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is currently reviewing the invention disclosure for a secure mobile device connection technology submitted by associate professor Ye Zhu in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Dr. Zhu's invention, A Key Agreement Protocol for Wearable Devices, Medical Devices, and Mobile Devices, enables two or more wearable mobile devices to communicate and share data securely via a novel key agreement protocol. The technology has been under development for over one year in collaboration with faculty from Iowa State University.
Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF)
Two faculty members, assistant professor Moo-Yeal Lee in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and associate professor Ye Zhu in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, are working with the TTO to prepare an application for TVSF funding.
Ohio Third Frontier created the TVSF to support economic growth through start-up companies that commercialize technologies developed in Ohio's higher education and not-for-profit research institutions. Proposal submissions for the 2016 Round 13 RFP are due December 15, 2016. Written questions regarding a submission must be received by Ohio Third Frontier by December 8, 2016.
Proposal submissions to TVSF must be coordinated with the TTO. The TTO can also provide assistance with proposal submissions. Please contact Jack Kraszewski if you intend to submit a TVSF proposal.
September 2016
Patent Update
A formal patent application titled Recombinant Prothrombin Analogues and Uses Thereof will be filed for Dr. Michael Kalafatis, member of GRHD and a professor in the Chemistry Department, for an antithrombotic agent. The invention includes a method of inhibiting coagulation in a subject who has, or is at risk of having, blood clots. The technology provides an anti-coagulant agent which inhibits blood clotting with greater specificity than current therapies without their side effects. The filing for Dr. Kalafatis' technology will claim priority to a US provisional patent that was filed by CSU and Dr. Kalafatis in 2015.
Ohio Third Frontier Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF)
The TVSF has issued a 2016 request for proposals. Proposal submissions are due on December 15, and written questions may be submitted through December 8. The TVSF is designed to: (1) Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need validation/proof that will directly impact and enhance both their commercial viability and ability to support a start-up company; and (2) Support Ohio start-up and young companies that license these validated/proven technologies from Ohio research institutions. Proposal submissions must be coordinated with the Technology Transfer Office (TTO). The TTO can also provide assistance with proposal submissions. Please contact Jack Kraszewski if you intend to submit a proposal.
August 2016
CSU's First I-Corps @ Ohio Graduates
Congratulations to the CSU team of associate professor Ye Zhu and doctoral candidate Jonathan Gurary in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), who recently completed the 2016 I-Corps @ Ohio program. The 2016 cohort comprised 20 university teams from across Ohio. The CSU team's mobile communication authentication technology, named MobiPass, has been funded by the National Science Foundation. The I-Corps @ Ohio curriculum is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurial teams understand the market for their technology, develop a compelling commercialization strategy, and attain new skills that will be useful for a long-term career in research and development.
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The TTO is currently working with Byron White, VP for University Engagement, on the submission of an invention disclosure for his Career Lines web tool that allows user to navigate the connection between academic majors and occupations. The technology has been under development for over one year and has received funding from various foundations, as well as the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
July 2016
Patent Application Filing
Prof. Wenbing Zhao, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), has filed a utility patent application titled "Systems and Methods for Privacy-Aware Motion Tracking with Notification Feedback." The patent application is directed to systems and methods of using motion sensors, wearable devices, and smart phones for human motion tracking with real-time feedback. The research that led to the patent application was supported in part by the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation (BWC).
Invention Disclosure Pipeline
The TTO is working with Prof. Antonie van den Bogert, who is a Parker Hannifin Endowed Chair and a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME), to submit an invention disclosure for an electroactive polymer strain sensor for the prevention of injuries in athletic settings. Prof. van den Bogert and his student team won the top prize in the Stretch Your Mind Engineering Challenge, which was sponsored by the Parker Hannifin Coration. The TTO is also considering an invention disclosure for Prof. Chansu Yu, the chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), for an improved process to tether GPS services and mobile devices.
June 2016
New Protection for Trade Secrets
On April 27, 2016, Congress passed the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA), which President Obama signed into law in May. The DTSA extends the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA), which criminalizes trade secret thefts, to the civil arena. Trade secret owners can now file trade secret theft suits in federal district courts without resorting to another basis for jurisdiction, such as the ill-fitting Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This article highlights five important things to know about the DTSA.
Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF) RFP Deadline Approaching
The Ohio Third Frontier through the TVSF recently released its first 2016 RFP. The TVSF has been designed to: (1) Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need validation and proof that will directly impact and enhance their commercial viability and their ability to support a start-up company; and (2) Support Ohio start-up and young companies that license these validated and proven technologies from Ohio research institutions. Please contact Jack Kraszewski of the TTO if you intend to submit a proposal.
May 2016
CSU's First I-Corps @ Ohio Participants
The CSU Team of associate professor Ye Zhu and doctoral candidate Jonathan Gurary in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, along with executive mentor Aaron Bates, was selected as one of 20 teams to participate in the 2016 I-Corps @ Ohio cohort. Their mobile communication authentication technology has been funded by the National Science Foundation. The I-Corps @ Ohio curriculum is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurial teams understand the market for their technology, develop a compelling commercialization strategy, and attain new skills that will be useful for a long-term career in research and development.
Prof. Chansu Yu Obtains Patent
The Korean Intellectual Property Office has granted a patent to Prof. Chansu Yu, Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, titled Method for Tethering of Terminal and Apparatus Therefor. The patent was filed in conjunction with inventors from Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea.
Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF)
The Ohio Third Frontier through the TVSF has recently released its first 2016 RFP. The TVSF is designed to: (1) Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need validation and proof that will directly impact and enhance their commercial viability and their ability to support a start-up company; and (2) Support Ohio start-up and young companies that license these validated and proven technologies from Ohio research institutions. Please contact Jack Kraszewski of the CSU TTO if you intend to submit a proposal.
April 2016
License Agreement between CSU and ProteoSense, LLC
CSU has entered into a license agreement on behalf of Prof. Siu-Tung Yau in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with ProteoSense, a Columbus, Ohio company focused on rapid food-borne pathogen detection. The CSU-ProteoSense license involves Prof. Yau's U.S. Patent No. 8,585,879 and his expertise in exchange for royalties, equity, licensing fees, and partial reimbursement of patent expenses. Prof. Yau and ProteoSense are working together to apply his technology.
Invacare-Sponsored Research Results
Invacare has a long-standing research relationship with Prof. Orhan Talu and Prof. Sridhar Ungarala in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. Their research has resulted in the submission of an invention disclosure to Invacare. The invention involves a prototype developed by Prof. Talu and Prof. Ungarala for a portable oxygen concentrator that will transform oxygen therapy products for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which affects 12.7 million adults in the U.S.
Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF) RFP
The Ohio Third Frontier through the TVSF has recently released its first RFP of 2016. The TVSF is designed to: (1) Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need validation to impact and enhance their commercial viability and their ability to support a start-up company; and (2) Support Ohio start-up and other young companies that license these validated technologies from Ohio research institutions. Prospective applicants are required to contact Jack Kraszewski of the TTO.
March 2016
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued U.S. Patent No. 9,268,315 B2 to CSU for Prof. Zhiqiang Gao's invention, "Extended Active Disturbance Rejection Controller." Prof. Gao's motion control technology has applications in multiple fields, including motor control and factory automation. This patent is part of the intellectual property portfolio that CSU has licensed to LineStream Technologies.
I-Corps @ Ohio Update
Prof. Ye Zhu, who is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and his doctoral student Jonathan Gurary, have received an invitation to submit a full proposal to the I-Corps @ Ohio program. This is the first I-Corps @ Ohio invitation to CSU faculty. Prof. Zhu's proposal aims to provide novel, highly secure, but user-friendly log-in screens for mobile phones. The NSF-based I-Corps @ Ohio program provides hands-on training to Ohio faculty and students in the lean launchpad® methodology.
Federal Research Network
The Federal Research Network, for which CSU is providing commercialization and workforce development services, has issued a call for white papers for $8.1M of phase 2 funding. One project requirement is to include collaboration with researchers from Ohio federal research laboratories, such as NASA Glenn Research Center or the Air Force Research Laboratory. White paper submissions are due March 31, 2016. Interested faculty should contact Jack Kraszewski of the TTO for further information and for a copy of the call for white paper materials.
February 2016
Lee Patent Filing
A U.S. provisional patent application titled "3d-Printed Miniature Biological Constructs" was filed by CSU on behalf of Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee from the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. The invention claims to develop new biological constructs that are highly automatable, and to provide for high-throughput microarray screening platforms, instruments, and devices that can be used for biochemical and cell-based assays to assess human metabolism and toxicology. The technology is also the subject of a NIH R01 proposal that was submitted in October 2015.
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Update
CSU has entered into a three-party MTA with Eli-Lily and the FDA on behalf of Dr. Anton Komar from the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD), and the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BGES). The MTA will allow Dr. Komar to investigate potential impact of synonymous mutations on a structure and function of the Eli-Lilly model monoclonal antibody.
CSU has entered into an MTA with Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) on behalf of Dr. Yana Sandlers from the Department of Chemistry. The MTA will permit Dr. Sandlers to research pluripotent stem cells provided by BCH.
Start-Up Companies
Dr. Ye Zhu from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is leading the first team from CSU to register for the I-Corps @ Ohio program. Dr. Zhu's executive summary will be reviewed by program leaders, and if approved, a full response to the RFP will be requested. In addition to receiving an award of $15,000, I-Corps @ Ohio teams develop scalable business models that attract seed, angel, and venture funding to support company formation and market entry.
January 2016
Gao Patent
The US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a notice of allowance to Prof. Zhiqiang Gao for his patent application, which is entitled "Extended Active Disturbance Rejection Controller." Prof. Gao's motion control technology has applications in multiple fields, including motor control and factory automation. The patent is part of the intellectual property licensed to LineStream Technologies.
Technology Validation Start-up Fund (TVSF) of the Ohio Third Frontier
The purpose of the TVSF is to support economic development by funding Technology Transfer Office (TTO) submissions for commercial validation activities, and by providing early-stage funding for start-up or young companies. Phase 1 awards are up to $50,000 and require a one-to-one cost-share commitment from the University. Phase 2 awards are up to $150,000 for a start-up or young company that licenses University technology. The TTO has submitted the requisite qualification document which will allow the TTO to submit proposals on behalf of CSU faculty.
Start-Up Companies
I-Corps @ Ohio is offered on a competitive basis to evaluate the commercial potential of the innovations of faculty and graduate students. In addition to receiving an award of $15,000, I-Corps @ Ohio teams will develop scalable business models to attract seed, angel, and venture funding to support company formation and market entry. Team registration and executive summary submissions will be accepted from January 4th through February 7th. Applicants will then be selected to submit a formal proposal. For additional information please review the recently released RFP or contact the TTO.
For news prior to 2016, please visit the Office of Research newsletter archive.
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