McNair Scholars


Resources at Cleveland State

Choose Ohio 1st Scholarship Program: A state-funded program with the goal of assisting more students in attaining degrees in STEM fields through scholarship funding

Division of University Engagements: Cleveland State's interlinked programs promoting civic engagement, workplace engagement, and inclusive/multicultural engagement, functioning as a way to facilitate CSU student's contribution to the Greated Cleveland Comunity

Honors Program: Cleveland State's Mandel Honors College, offering scholarships and support for academically talented students (open to incoming freshman and sophomores with strong standardized test scores and academic records)

Operation ∫TEM: A program serving majors in STEM fields, providing support via learning stipends, workshops, mentoring, and a two week summer institute designed to help students establish a networked community of peers

TRiO/Student Support Services: Another one of the eight federally-funded TRiO programs, providing assistance for first-generation and/or low-income students needing support in a college environment as they work towards their degree

Undergraduate Student Research: Information on student research opportunities here at Cleveland State

Writing Center: The Cleveland State Writing Center's webpage; a valuable resource for improving your writing, polishing up graduate program application materials, and learning more about grammar/syntax/style

More Information About Ronald E. McNair

Eyes on the Stars: An animated account from Ronald E. McNair's eary life from NPR StoryCorps; narrated by Carl McNair

Ronald E. McNair South Carolina Hall of Fame Video: A short video about the life of Ronald E. McNair; written, produced, directed, and edited by Mark Adams

University of South Carolina Commencement Address : Ronald E. McNair addressing the University of South Carolina's class of 1984 and accepting an honorary doctorate of science

Resources for Study/Learning

Bleedforyourtypewriters: Software and Tools Masterpost: A compilation of apps for time mangement, idea mapping, productivity, note-taking, and other study-related tasks

Resources for Graduate School

Grad Cafe: A site for grad school applicants featuring forums in which students exchange tips and results postings that allow one to track acceptances.

Society of Women Engineers: A site for women who are interested in applying to graduate school. It offers valuable resources for access to scholarships, awards, and support services.