we are Information Services & Technology
IS&T is here, ready to provide information and support for your technology needs.

Information Services and Technology (IS&T)
Rhodes Tower 1104
Phone: 216-687-5050
Report a problem
Phone: 216-687-5050
Hear report on outages
Phone: 216-687-5252
Adobe Creative Cloud is Here!
IS&T is excited to announce that an agreement has been signed with Adobe and the entire Adobe Creative Cloud suite, including Acrobat, Photoshop and InDesign is available on campus.
All current benefits-eligible CSU faculty and staff are permitted to:
- Use Creative Suite in the cloud (no need to download). Adobe provides 100GB of cloud storage for Adobe-related files.
- Download Creative Cloud Suite to your CSU managed computer or personal computer
To get started using the Adobe Creative Cloud, visit IS&T Adobe CSU.
Administrative Access
IS&T has implemented a process to give administrative access to allow faculty and staff to install software on your University computer.
University computers are delivered and preloaded with the following CSU software: Microsoft Office, OpenVPN, Chrome and Firefox browsers, and Adobe Reader. If additional software is needed, please check the Software Center on your laptop before submitting a service request. You must be on campus with your laptop to access the Software Center.
Open the Software Center:
- Click the Start icon
- Navigate to and open Microsoft Endpoint Manager
If you need administrative privileges to install software outside of the Software Center, the IS&T Help Desk is available 24 hours a day at 216-687-5050 or chat at gethelp.csuohio.edu to provide this access. You may also submit a service request by visiting easy.csuohio.edu. (Please note that Easy Service requests are addressed during the hours of 8 a.m.-7 p.m. M-F). If using the Easy site, once on the home page, click “Get Help” and then click “Create a New Incident.” You can then fill out the required fields and describe what is needed.
24/7 Help Desk
The IS&T Help Desk is now available 24 hours a day to all students, faculty and staff. Phone support is still available at 216-687-5050 off campus or ext. 5050 on campus. In addition to extended hours, we have implemented a chat feature at gethelp.csuohio.edu, which replaces the email - isthelpdesk@csuohio.edu.
In addition to phone support and the chat feature, you can open a service request by visiting easy.csuohio.edu.
Stay Safe
Be cautious! Emails, text messages, phone calls and even social media are being used in scam attempts more and more. It is important to always question these communications no matter who they claim to be coming from. Requests to open attachments, click links, purchase gift cards or divulge any sensitive information are just some examples of recent scam attempts circulating online.
CSU Wireless
When connecting to WiFi, please make sure you select CSUwireless, our free and secure wireless network. Instructions can be found at csuohio.edu/network/wireless.
Mobile Campus
Please visit the Mobile Campus in the Student Center for your computer needs.
Computer Labs
The Michael Schwartz Library and IS&T General Computer Labs will be open until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday this semester. Weekend hours will be posted.
ODS Student Accommodations
IS&T’s Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (CITDL) and the Office of Disability Services (ODS) have partnered to better address the learning needs of students with accommodations. If you have a student with an ODS accommodation, there are several technologies available to provide the access to learning your student requires.
The quickest way to get help with an ODS accommodation is to fill out this form. It should take about 3-5 minutes. After you’ve submitted your information, someone from ODS will follow-up with you to determine the next steps in accommodating your student(s). If a classroom technology is identified as the best way to provide access, a member of CITDL’s professional staff will work with you to incorporate it into your teaching.
Information on other services are listed in the left menu. Below are our frequently used services:
Help Desk phone support: 216-687-5050
Help Desk hours: 24x7 for call and chat support
Help Desk Live Chat
Help Desk Self-service
Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning:
call the Help Desk at 216-687-5050 or email instructionaltech@csuohio.edu.
Rhodes Tower 1104
Phone: 216-687-5050
Report a problem
Phone: 216-687-5050
Hear report on outages
Phone: 216-687-5252