Distinguished Staff Awards

Faculty and Staff:

We are excited to recognize phenomenal employees at the 2024 Distinguished Staff Awards!  Please consider nominating your fellow colleagues for one or more of the awards.  Please read below for additional information including award levels, eligibility and how to nominate a colleague.

Award Categories

Distinguished Staff Award recipients will have made a significant impact to the University through outstanding dedication, competence, exceptional performance, excellent service to the campus community, ingenuity, and leadership, as demonstrated by one or more of the following award categories:

  • New Viking Award
  • Exemplary Campus Service Award
  • Outstanding Achievement and Performance Award
  • President's Leadership Award

Each award level has specific criteria and monetary value. 

The New Viking Award recognizes a newcomer who has one to three years of service with CSU.  This individual has made significant contributions and shared innovative ideas to the department and to the CSU campus community.  Award recipients will receive $1,000.

The Exemplary Campus Service Award recognizes an individual who has three or more years of service with CSU.  This individual consistently and substantially demonstrates an ability and willingness to work positively, respectfully, and effectively with others; has significantly improved campus service or has increased student satisfaction in their area; demonstrates ability and willingness to manage changes in work priorities, procedures, and organization; demonstrates exceptional ability to foster collaboration, communication, and cooperation among colleagues and members of the campus community.  Award recipients will receive $1,500.

The Outstanding Achievement and Performance Award recognizes an individual who has three or more years of service with CSU.  This individual consistently and substantially exceeds the expectations of the position, performing at a level above and beyond normal job requirements and expectations and has made important and significant contributions in their area.  Award recipients will receive $1,500.

The President's Leadership Award recognizes an individual who has three or more years of service with CSU. This individual consistently leads by example, effectively persuades others using keen organizational awareness, inspires and encourages personal and professional development in others and contributes to the success of initiatives that benefit those outside his/her own department and/or places emphasis on collaboration within and among departments.  Award recipients will receive $3,000.


The Distinguished Staff Awards are made in accordance with each of the eligibility criteria listed below. The award year is considered the calendar year. 

The nominee(s) must:

  • Be continuously employed as a full-time or part-time, benefits-eligible employee for 12 consecutive months prior to the nomination;
  • Not received a disciplinary action within the previous 24 months; and
  • Not have received a Distinguished Staff Award in the past five years.


Nominations for the Distinguished Staff Awards will be accepted until March 22, 2024.

Click here to complete a Nomination Form, and upload a Nominating Statement and supporting material. 

  1. Nomination Form:  Must include the specific award the nominee is being nominated for.
  2. Nominating Statement:  A nominating statement citing specific accomplishments and services of the nominee (2 pages maximum).
  3. Supporting Material: No more than three letters of support.  Letters of support should represent the diverse group of colleagues/customers (faculty, staff, students, or other individuals) who have personal knowledge of and who have benefited from the nominee's services.

The nominating statement and letters of support should include specific examples of the contributions the nominee has made. 

Exclusions to the nomination process:

   1. Self-nominations and anonymous nominations will not be accepted.

   2. Nominations received after the deadline will not be accepted.

   3. Faculty positions are ineligible for this program.

Selection Procedure

The Distinguished Staff Award Selected Committee will be comprised of staff from various areas on campus and will also include a representative from Human Resources. 

The committee makes selection decisions based on the information submitted on the nomination form, the nomination statement and in the letters of support.  Award recipients are determined by their demonstrated ability to meet the established criteria as detailed and explained in the award levels and criteria.  Committee members will not seek additional information on nominees to make final decisions.  Detailed information about a nominee as described by those submitting the nomination and contributing a letter of support is the determining factor.  The quantity of nominations received is not a factor in the selection process. 

The selection committee will prepare a list of recommendations to submit to the President for their review and final selection for the President's Leadership Award.

One recipient per award level will be rewarded.  The university may choose to recognize multiple employees per level at its discretion.

Award Ceremony

Award recipients will be notified and invited to attend the Service Awards luncheon on April 22.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 113
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Administration Center
2300 Euclid Avenue
Suite 113
Phone: 216.687.3636
Fax: 216.687.9334