Graduate Student Resource Center

Online Networking Resources

Online Networking

"Networking is the currency of our generation." - Isaac Serwanga


If anything can bring graduate students together, it is the common frustration of trying to network. Networking always carries more weight than it leads on, you never know you you might meet! I’m sure you have your own opinions of it. Nevertheless, in congruence with the recent, large online shift, we can and will continue to build our careers as professionals!

Learn to Network Effectively

Online or offline, many sources suggest that in lieu of thinking about networking in the typical sense of asking for a job, consider asking questions unique to the situation and the person rather than taking a repetitive approach. Your personal journey of networking is not to be taken lightly, you are a professional seeking growth in your field. The videos and articles linked throughout demonstrate with great depth how you can use network more effectively. You will find a number of great tips including one of my favorites, "persist, persist, persist!" mentioned in a TEDx talk by Isaac Serwanga.

Don't Forget Alumni

If you find there is not an easy way to connect with alumni in your college or department, create one! If you should take anything away from college, let it be more knowledge and passion for your field, and in a close second, connections. Don’t let that asset slip away before graduation. A departmental LinkedIn or Facebook group should prove extremely useful to stay in touch after graduation.  Even starting a conversation with administration about a way to stay in touch shows your intent and could start to make waves.

Establishing an Online Presence

Establishing one's online presence for networking is not as frivolous as it sounds. It’s necessary for online job searching, as many employers will informally look you up. You do not need to use an existing personal account, as that is something you may wish to keep listed as private. You can consider creating profiles on LinkedIn, Google Scholar, AcademiaTwitter or other social media sites as a platform to highlight your work experience, finally! You may also want to consider finding people with which you’d like to network, then you can make contact and arrange to go to a conference together - especially if online connections are easier for you than in-person ones.



Conference call? Only dress up the top 1/2! These fun tips and more from Jim from The Office -

Master four simple questions that are the start of a better way to meet people. -

Mr. Serwanga breaks down networking to 3 main points or "bones". -

Avoid common networking faux pas and give your contacts something they want from the relationship. -

Take advantage of weak ties, utilizing friends of friends of friends! -

Tips for connecting and reconnecting with fellow graduates of your alma mater! -

Why & how-to tap into your institutions's solid alumni network. -

Jump into the basics of growing your network online! - 

Learn how to network online in a planned and strategic way! -

Learn about the online proponenets that make networking easier! -

Learn how to build and leverage your connections in a thoughtful, effective and professional manner. -

 7 resources that will help you master the online networking world. - 

30 different resources of books, articles, podcasts, videos and more on the topic of networking! -

Online networking tips from Minnesota State -

Pandemic job search tips -

5 Steps for online networking success -


"Sometimes it is good to be in uncomfortable situations because it is in finding our way out of such difficulties that we learn valuable lessons." - Idowu Koyenikan