Graduate Faculty Research Support Program - Guidelines

Note: The program is paused temporarily for revision and will be available again soon.


The purpose of the Graduate Faculty Research Support Program is to assist faculty in publishing and presenting their research and scholarship. In addition, travel to venues such as seminars or funding agencies (e.g., NSF or NIH) that enhance research and scholarship skills and increase the probability of external funding may also be supported by the Program.


Applicants must be Level I members of the Graduate Faculty. Faculty members may apply a maximum of twice per fiscal year, and may receive only one award per fiscal year.

Available Support and Application Process

The Office of Research will provide funds for up to two-thirds of the total cost of the proposed activity. In no case will support from the Program exceed $1,250. The remaining one-third may be covered by any combination of department, college, grant, and personal funds. Complete the application form (fillable PDF) and submit it to the Office of Research. Please include documentation supporting your application, such as a copy of the accepted paper, letter of invitation, notification of paper/poster acceptance, journal impact factor, etc.

Funding Priorities

This program is competitive, and because of limited funds, not all applications will be funded. The following table provides examples of funding priorities.

Higher Priority Lower Priority
Publication charges for peer-reviewed papers in high-impact-factor journals. Publication charges for papers in journals with low, or no, impact factor.
Presentation of multiple invited or peer-reviewed papers/posters, or paper/poster presentation and program committee service at the same conference. Presentation of non-peer-reviewed papers/posters at a conference, or service as a session chair without presenting a paper.
Presentations that include conference paper publication. Presentations that do not include conference paper publication.
Performing or exhibiting at a national or international exhibition or show. Performing or exhibiting at a regional exhibition or show.
Most matching funds are provided by the faculty member's department, college, or external funding. Most matching funds are provided by the faculty member's personal funds.
Travel by faculty with high research activity to meet funding sponsors or program officers, or attend workshops that may lead to external funding.

Travel by faculty with low research activity.

Domestic travel. International travel.
Publication or travel by junior faculty. Publication or travel by senior faculty.


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
2258 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.9364
Fax: 216.687.9214