Fenn 100

Washkewicz Centennial Lecture Series with Dr. Woodrow Whitlow, Jr.

Dr. William Thesling
Date(s) of Event: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

REGISTER csuengineering.formstack.com/forms/centenniallectures_apr2024

LECTURER Dr. William Henry Thesling, An experienced serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in digital communications. 3x CSU Alumn: Bachelors (87), Masters (90) and Doctorate (95) in Electrical Engineering from CSU and is a current member of IEEE.

TOPIC "Thorium and the Molten Salt Reactor: The Energy Source for Sustainable Abundance!"

ABSTRACT Energy production is key to a technological society. Fossil fuels have powered humanity from the industrial revolution to today’s Information age. To maintain and increase our standard of living in the future, new sources of energy are required. The topic of this discussion is Thorium and the Molten Salt Reactor for abundant energy production to power humanity for the next million years.