Emergency Procedures Handbook (EPH)

This handbook is a guide for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Visitors. It covers what to do in different types of emergencies, such as; weather, health, utility failures, hazardous material, violent threats, etc. The EPH can be found at

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

The EOP represents a combination of best practices, collaborative planning, and lessons learned form real world response. The plan is designed to save lives, reduce injuries, and limit property damage before, during, and after an emergency. It describes the notification and communications process, as well as how University resources are mobilized and coordinated during an emergency. The EOP can be found at

Integrated University Safety Plan (IUP)

This plan asserts that creating a safe campus requires an integrated approach for congruent and seamless campus-wide policies and procedures. The IUP highlights the role of the Department of Facilities and Safety and provides a strategic framework for the critical decisions that will set the course for the investment of infrastructure, training, programs, and strategies for the security of CSU. The IUP can be found at

Other Documents:

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Plant Services, Room 243
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Plant Services, Room 243
1802 East 25th Street
Phone: 216-687-5386