Pilot and Bridge Funding Program

Policy and Application Guidelines


This program has been established following the generous gift of Dr. John C. Vitullo (CEO of Omega laboratories) to support the research in the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD).

The program is implemented to increase visibility of GRHD as a research center of excellence at CSU.

Eligibility and Terms

All GRHD faculty are eligible to participate in the program. It is expected that activities funded by this mechanism will help to attract further external support.

GRHD members may seek funding (up to $10,000) following this mechanism to initiate pilot projects and/or for bridge support of the existing projects.

Application Procedure

Please complete and submit the Dr. John C. Vitullo's pilot and bridge program application PDF.pdf form by e-mail to Anton A. Komar (a.komar@csuohio.edu).

In brief, applicants to this program have to describe:

1.    Nature of the research to be supported by the pilot and bridge fund.

2.    Grant activity for the past 3 years, including external and internal grants received (with $ amounts), external and internal grants sent, but not funded (with $ amounts), pending grant applications (with $ amounts).

3.    Previous bridge support ($ amounts and the source of support).

4.    Plans for submission of additional proposals.

5.    Current available funding.

6.    Publication activity for the past 3 years (papers published, papers submitted, papers in preparation).

7.    Policy impact on the applicant (consequences of being, or not being funded) following this mechanism.


Please note that the awards must be expended for the purposes as described in the proposal and in accordance with the applicable University regulations and procedures.


Review Procedure

Proposals will be reviewed by the GRHD planning committee. The award amount may be less than requested.

Mailing Address
Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD)
2121 Euclid Avenue, SR 259
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
2351 Euclid Avenue
Science and Research Building, Room 259
Phone: (216) 687-2516
Fax: (216) 687-5549