Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Assessment of Course Learning Objectives

Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Program

  Course: ESC 120 Freshman DesignESC 150/1/2 Engineering ProgrammingESC 270 Material Science and EngineeringESC 301 Fluid MechanicsESC 350 Linear Algebra and Numerical Methods in EngineeringCHE 300 Chemical Engineering PrinciplesCHE 302 Chemical Engineering ThermodynamicsCHE 306 Transport PhenomenaCHE 308 Junior Chemical Engineering LabCHE 404 Chemical Reactor Design CHE 408 Separation Processes CHE 420 Chemical Engineering Laboratory CHE 430 Process Control CHE 440 Process Design I CHE 441 Process Design II CHE 451 Agile ManufacturingCHE 461 Principles of Air Pollution Control CHE 466 Biochemical Engineering CHE 468 Process Modeling CHE 472 Principles of Adsorption and Catalysis CHE 474 Multiphase Reactors CHE 476 Multicomponent Mass Transfer CHE 480 Advanced Materials Processing CHE 482 Introduction to Combustion Phenomena CHE 484 Principles and Applications of Rheology CHE 486 Fundamentals of Polymers CHE 478 Introduction to Molecular Simulation CHE 488 Materials Selection and Specification CHE 494 Selected Topics [Please enter Topic Name in Comments]CHE 496 Chemical Engineering Projects/Independent Study         

Term: Summer SemesterFall SemesterSpring Semester         Year: 20132014201520162017

Please check the items <!-- a href="EC2000.html" target="_blank" -->Program Outcomes that were covered in this course. Consult the Outcomes-Curriculum Matrix or Curriculum.   For each outcome checked make an assessment of how successfully were your expectations met.

Turn in this form with your grades.  Becky will collect them, and I will compile the results, and get back to you at the time of Program and CurriculumAssessment.  Thank you.


Give a score 0-3, according to 0 3
Did not meet expectations Met Expectations completely


Program Outcome,

Students have the ability to/understanding of

0 1 2 3 N/A
a. Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science & Engineering

b. Design Experiments, Collect and Analyze Experimental Data


Design Chemical Systems, Units & Processes to meet specific needs

d. Work in Multidisciplinary Team Work
e. Identify, Formulates & Solve Engineering Problems
f. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities, including Safety and Environmental aspects related to Chemical Systems, Units and Processes
g. Communicate (in writing and/or verbally) Effectively
h. Contemporary Issues & Global/Social Impact of Engineering Solutions
i. Need and Ability to engage on Lifelong Learning
j. Use Techniques, Skills and Modern Engineering Tools necessary for Engineering Practice
k. Principles and Working Knowledge of subject areas as defined by the Program Criteria of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers


In the space below, provide an explanation of how each outcome was met (forinstance, what assessment tools or strategies you used to determine that theoutcome was met).  If any of the outcomes was not completely met, how canthe course (or curriculum structure: prerequisites, etc.) be improved to bettermeet these outcomes.

Course Evaluated by (Name) :      CSU ID:

Date (mm/dd/yyyy):