2015 Undergraduate Summer Research Award Recipients

Award Recipients

Sixty-six CSU undergraduate students will have the opportunity to work on research projects with faculty mentors during Summer 2015. Fifty-eight proposals were received from six colleges with requests totaling $450,397. Thirty-six proposals were funded across six colleges for a total of $249,980.


The Fall 2015 Undergraduate Research Poster Session took place on September 3, 2015 from 10am - 2pm in the Student Center Atrium. Students, faculty, and staff were invited to attend the poster session, which provided students the opportunity to discuss their research with the CSU community.

sum2015a.pngMareem Ali (pictured on the right) earned first place ($200 gift card) for her project "Novel regulation of the pro-apoptotic protein PUMA in response to hypoxia," which was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Crystal Weyman and PhD student Brianna Boslett.

sum2015b.pngRafeeq Roberts (pictured on the left) and Danielle Davis earned second place ($150 gift card) for their project "Dance Artists' Creative Process and Vision: A Digital Archive," which was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Lynn Deering.

Adam Maraschky earned third place ($100 gift card) for his research "Tuning the Size of Elastin-like Polypeptide Nanoparticles," which was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Nolan Holland.


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
2258 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.9364
Fax: 216.687.9214