Lab Printing


Limited free printing is provided to every student (2,000 black & white pages or 160 color pages per semester).   There are printers in every IS&T lab; color printers are located in FT103 (Fenn Tower) and SC126 (Student Center). Print balances are maintained automatically and students are shown their current print balance when they log onto the computers.   The print allocation is refreshed at the end of each semester - unused printing is NOT carried over to the following semester.

Print Balance:

Students can check their free print balance at any time by going to .   You may receive a cautionary notice that the connection is untrusted, but this is OK; proceed to the PaperCut login page and enter your CSU ID# under username and your CampusNet password under password.  This will allow you to see your remaining print balance. 

Print Purchases:

Students who exhaust their initial print balance and wish to obtain additional printing can do so online at SHOPNET ( by selecting "general purpose lab printing."  The receipt can be taken to one of the following locations to have your print purchase added to your balance:

The Mobile Campus Laptop Loan counter in room 128A of the Student Center, 

The office for the Supervisor of Computer Labs, located in Rhodes Tower 124 (Library).

Upon presentation of the receipt, the student's print balance can be updated in moments.  Students should purchase additional printing wisely, because unused printing, whether from the initial 2,000 page allocation or additional printing purchased by the student, is NOT carried over into subsequent semesters - "Use it or LOSE it!"

Print Refunds: 

Should a student experience a problem when printing in one of the computer labs and require a refund for the print charge, this refund can be requested by calling the IS&T Help Desk at 216-687-5050 or by sending an email to The student can also provide the IS&T lab monitor with their CSU Student ID number, identify in which lab the failed printing occurred, provide the IS&T lab monitor with the prints that printed incorrectly, the date and approximate time of the print failure, and how many failed pages are to be refunded.  The monitor will then request a print refund to be added to the student's account within one business day.