
What is a podcast?

A podcast, very simply, is a digital audio or video file that is available on the Internet for dowloading to devices. Typically these files (podcasts) are available as a series where new installments can be received by subscribers automatically. Podcasts can inform audiences, discuss important topics and share narratives. With podcast apps pre-installed on new Apple and Android devices, they are listened to by half of all households in the United States*.

CIT&DL's Podcasting Studio is located in rooms RT 810 and 811.  The studio can produce several different kinds of audio and video media but is optimized to produce podcasts.

How can the studio be used?

There are a number of different content and broadcast options available through the studio. For podcasts, we encourage:

  • Faculty and staff producing a traditional, episode-based podcast that relates to their subject matter expertise, courses or work at Cleveland State.
  • Hosting a live, Internet-based show on YouTube, Facebook Live or Twitch.
  • Faculty and staff creating episode-based course content.
  • Faculty partnering with our Center's staff to incorporate podcasting as an assignment for their students.
  • Creating short messages and advertisements to be directed at a specific audience.

If I'm interested in experimenting with podcasting, what should I do next?

If you are interested in taking a tour of the studio or just want to talk about how you might incorporate podcasting work at Cleveland State, please contact Alex Barni at x5210 - a.barni@csuohio.edu;  John Hubbard at x9707 - j.h.hubbard@csuohio.edu or Chris Rennison at x7582 - c.rennison@csuohio.edu.

If you are ready to record, please contact our media producer, Alex Barni at x5210 - a.barni@csuohio.edu.


Mailing Address
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rhodes Tower 705A
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
1860 East 22nd Street
Rhodes Tower 705
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-5270
