
Certificate Program in Business Biotechnology

The biotechnology industry has been identified as one of the fastest growing industries in northeastern Ohio. This industry growth demands a trained workforce with a unique skill set, including basic engineering, quality control, laboratory, biochemistry and computer skills.

The certificate program is designed for students who are working towards or already have a bachelor's degree and want to add coursework that will enable them to focus on the biotechnology field. The certificate also benefits professionals who are retooling to be more competitive, or want to add credentials to their career portfolio.

Academic Requirements

Required Courses (19-20 hours)

  • ESC 120 Introduction to Engineering Design
  • OSM 445 Quality Control and Management (prerequisite: OSM 202)
  • MKT 450 Professional Selling and Sales Management
  • IME 465 Manufacturing Systems Engineering
  • BIO 308/309 Cell Biology and Laboratory (prerequisite: BIO 306)

Choose one of the following

  • OSM 418 Production Activity Scheduling and Control*
  • OSM 412 Supply Chain Management*

* Requires a prerequisite of OSM 311-Production Management, which has a prerequisite of OSM 201-Business Statistics I, which has a prerequisite of MTH 156-Mathematical Concepts.

For more information about a particular course, please contact the appropriate department.