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CSU 'Hackathon' Aims to Solve Community Challenges

Innovator_Hackathon_600x300_2022.pngHackathon is a portmanteau of the words ???hacker??? (or ???crafty programmer???) and ???marathon??? (that 26.2-mile human endurance run). In CSU-speak, the word Hackathon takes on added meaning as an annual event where people meet to engage in collaborative community problem-solving.

This April 7 - 9 at the Monte Ahuja College of Business, the ???Community + Innovation + Technology??? Hackathon will bring together student teams, faculty mentors and community judges???all to apply the best of technology and focused thinking to solve community challenges in Northeast Ohio.

The three-day long event lives the mantra ???hacking for good,??? partnering with the CSU T.E.C.H. Hub to root out solutions through experiential learning. Sounds like Engaged Learning! This year, Hackathon participants will be sorting out healthcare disparities in the African American community; improving democratic process engagement; creating smarter ???smart cities,??? and to make inroads around being more environmentally minded and earth friendly.

Community ???problem statements??? will be delivered during the Hackathon opening on Thursday evening. Teams will be developing innovative solutions and, in doing so, merge different business niches for real-world problems identified by community members and expert researchers From there, brainstorming research and more will lead to final pitches, delivered Saturday morning.

Interested in making a difference in the community and meeting your fellow Vikings in a collaborative environment? Sign up today to collaborate with other students, form ideas, create prototypes, evaluate designs and pitch solutions to improve the world. Faculty who are interested in being mentors are welcome to reach out to the College of Business as well.