Tutoring & Academic Success Center

The Seven Habits of Highly Engaged Learners (video series)

Habit 6: Be an Active Reader

» When reading have two tools in hand…a highlighter and a pen. If you highlight something, why did you highlight it? Annotate in the text or add the information to lecture notes.
» Use different reading speeds… you can quickly skim chapter outlines, main headings, sub-headings, graphs, charts, etc. but slow down when you get to any bold words or words in italics.
» Monitor your comprehension by asking, "What did I just read?" and "Why is this important?" If you catch yourself getting lost, try rereading and turning into key words.

Habit 1: Be Proactive! Habit 2: Get it Together! Habit 3: Make Your Notes Count!
Habit 4: Be in the NOW! Habit 5: Know Thyself Habit 6: Be an Active Reader
Habit 7: Study Like You Mean It