Faculty Panel: Best Practices in Student Interaction in Blackboard

Please join us for a panel discussion of best practices for student interaction in online courses. Panelists will discuss various methods and experiences they’ve had in successfully engaging students in an online environment answering questions such as: 
  • What is the first thing you do right out of the gate to get students started on the right foot?
  • What things have you tried in an effort to engage student that did not work so well or you will do differently next time?
  • What is one thing you would go back and tell yourself to do, or not do, when you first started teaching online?
Panel members include: Dr. Maureen Mitchell of the School of Nursing, Dr. Patty Stoddard Dare of the School of Social Work and Dr. Tracy Porter of the College of Business. Dr. Linda Wolf of the School of Nursing and Chair of the eLearning Faculty Senate Committee will serve as the moderator.
NoteBrown Bag sessions are offered in collaboration with the Center for Faculty Excellence. Registration is not required, but encouraged. To register, please email the Center for Faculty Excellence at cte@csuohio.edu.


Mailing Address
Center for eLearning
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, RT201
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
Center for eLearning, RT201
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3960
Fax: 216.875.9733