2016 Undergraduate Summer Research Award Recipients

Award Recipients

Fifty-nine CSU undergraduate students will have the opportunity to work on research projects with faculty mentors during Summer 2016. Forty-eight proposals were received from five colleges with requests totaling $384,709. Thirty-four proposals were funded across five colleges for a total of $249,970.


The Fall 2016 Undergraduate Research Poster Session took place on September 1, 2016 from 10am - 2pm in the Student Center Atrium. Students, faculty, and staff were invited to attend the poster session, which provided students the opportunity to discuss their research with the CSU community. The session included a total of 59 posters from five CSU colleges.

Hallie Schmolz, Anton Denisyuk, John Sabljic, and Olivera Prica (pictured at left) earned first place (a $200 gift card) for their project "Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Bacteria for Antibody Production," which was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Bibo Li.

Amanda Gedeon and Christopher Morris earned second place a ($150 gift card) for their project "Protest Voices: Using Activist Oral Histories to Teach Historical Thinking," which was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Shelley Rose and Prof. Souther (pictured at right).

Christopher Schroeck earned third place (a $100 gift card) for his research "Wrist-Mounted Feedback System: Monitoring Force and Torque in Six Degrees of Freedom," conducted under the supervision of Prof. Eric Schearer. Below, Christopher discusses his research with Engineering College Dean Anette Karlsson.

Many high-quality posters showed impressive scholarship and successful faculty-student collaborations. The Office of Research congratulates all of the students and their mentors, and encourages undergraduate and graduate students to continue to be actively engaged in research.



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Cleveland State University
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Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

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Phone: 216.687.9364
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