Making the Campus Safe

As we finalize plans for our return to campus we encourage you to check back here for the latest updates

We are committed to keeping the health and safety of our entire community as our highest priority as we repopulate our campus for 2020 Fall Semester. These and other measures are being taken to make our campus as safe as possible:

  • Control/minimize on-campus population with accommodations made for those uncomfortable coming to campus and for those at high risk.
  • Daily health assessments will be required before coming to campus. They will be done online before people come to campus.
  • Personal responsibility:
    • All students, staff, faculty, vendors and visitors will be required to wear masks before entering a CSU building.
    • Washable, reusable cloth masks will be provided to students, faculty and staff.
  • Handwashing and hand sanitizing stations will be located across campus.
  • Students, faculty and staff will sign a social contract to commit to responsible behavior. Students living in the residence halls will sign an additional social contract on their responsibilities in the halls.
  • Frequent sanitizing of spaces including classrooms, common area and high-touch surfaces.
  • Rapid, on-campus contact tracing capability
  • Testing of symptomatic persons and confirmed close contacts.
  • Dedicated quarantine areas will be established for those who cannot quarantine at home if required.
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