Parking Partnership Stakeholders
The stakeholder committee was created by the CSU President to provide support and advice to the Parking Working Group, while also contributing insights on the needs and concerns of CSU's key stakeholders for the development of the draft RFP that was released on December 11, 2017. Participating members included:
i. | Faculty Senate Representative | Andy Resnick |
ii. | Faculty Senate Representative | Jacqueline Jenkins |
iii. | At-Large Faculty Representative | Brian Ray |
iv. | College Dean Representative | Sajit Zachariah |
v. | Student Government Representative | Nadet Najjar |
vi. | At-Large Student Representative | Marty DiMichele |
vii. | Graduate/Law Student Representative | Mihir Hareshkumar Shah |
viii. | International Student Representative | Tejaswini Dilip Kadam |
ix. | EADC Representative | Kathleen Murphy |
x. | Community Member Representative | Bobbi Reichtell |
xi. | Community Member Liaison | Maurice Stinnett |
xii. | MASA Representative | Kathleen Mooney |
xiv. | Labor Relations Liaison | Danielle Ruiz |
xv. | Provost Representative | Marius Bobec |
xvi. | University Communications Representative | Will Dube |
xvii. | SEIU Representative | Jeff Grigsby |
xviii. | Project Administrator | Ben Rogers |