Directions to Campus

Directions from the South (I-77)
Follow I-77 north to the East 22nd/East 14th Street exit (#162B) to East 22nd Street. Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Chester Avenue. Turn left onto Chester Ave. Turn left onto East 19th Street and enter Central Parking Garage. Spring Open House registration will take place in the Student Center, 2121 Euclid Ave. View the campus map for parking and building locations.

Directions from the South (I-71)
Follow I-71 north to the East 22nd Street exit (#172B). Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Chester Avenue. Turn left onto Chester Ave. Turn left onto East 19th Street and enter Central Parking Garage. Spring Open House registration will take place in the Student Center, 2121 Euclid Ave. View the campus map for parking and building locations.

Directions from the East
Follow I-90 west to the Chester Avenue/CSU exit (#173B). Turn left onto East 24th Street; drive a half block to Chester Avenue. Turn right onto Chester Ave. Turn left onto East 19th Street and enter Central Parking Garage. Spring Open House registration will take place in the Student Center, 2121 Euclid Ave. View the campus map for parking and building locations.

Directions from the West (I-90)
Follow I-90 east to the East 22nd Street exit (#172B). Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Chester Avenue. Turn left onto Chester Ave. Turn left onto East 19th Street and enter Central Parking Garage. Spring Open House registration will take place in the Student Center, 2121 Euclid Ave. View the campus map for parking and building locations.

Directions from the West (Route 2)
Follow the Shoreway (Route 2) east to I-77/I-71 South. Exit at the Chester Avenue/CSU exit (#173B). Turn left onto East 24th Street; drive a half block to Chester Avenue. Turn right onto Chester Ave. Turn left onto East 19th Street and enter Central Parking Garage. Spring Open House registration will take place in the Student Center, 2121 Euclid Ave. View the campus map for parking and building locations.


Student Center
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115