CSU Health & Wellness Update on Ebola

No recommended action for students or employees at this time

Members of the Cleveland State University Community:

In recent days there has been significant news coverage noting that an individual infected with the Ebola virus traveled to Northeast Ohio. Please note that Cleveland State University, with guidance from CSU Health & Wellness Services, continues to monitor the situation. At this time there is no indication that members of the university community face additional risk of illness, and there is no recommended action for students or employees.

The university maintains contact with the Cleveland and Cuyahoga boards of health, and if necessary, updates and recommendations will be provided.

However, if you would like to learn about prevention, symptoms and treatment of Ebola, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site: cdc.gov/vhf/ebola. Additionally, the Ohio Department of Health has launched a 24-hour a day Ebola hotline staffed by public health nurses and other infectious disease experts. The toll free number for the hotline is (866) 800-1404.