Campus Horn Update

Promoting your events just got easier!

A new Campus Horn submission form will make it easier for faculty and staff to submit announcements and events. And the newly designed Campus Horn will make finding announcements and events much simpler because all details will be included in the body of the email, making it easier to see all information in one place!

All it will take is three easy steps for faculty and staff to submit a post to Campus Horn. Students will continue to submit events via OrgSync.

1.     Visit the Campus Horn website
2.     Fill in the form with the following details:

a.     Announcement/event title (required)
b.     Event date
c.     Event time
d.     Event location
e.     Host department/office
f.      Event description (required, 500 characters max)
g.     Event link
h.     Event contact
i.      Choose the audience: student, faculty/staff, all

3.     Click submit


Deadlines will remain the same:
Friday at noon to be included in Monday’s Campus Horn
Wednesday at noon to be included in Thursday’s Campus Horn

Look for an email with more details coming soon!