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Wall Street Journal Highlights CSU

Student Success Initiatives Garner National Attention

Cleveland State University’s initiatives for streamlining students’ path to graduation were featured in the December 6-7, 2014, weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal.

In an article titled “New Credit Risks on Campus: Colleges Clamp Down on Bloated Coarse Loads to Save Money, Move Students Along,” reporter Melissa Korn examined efforts at colleges and universities to help students obtain their degrees more efficiently.

Korn cited data from Complete College America that found that full-time students complete four-year degrees with an average of 134 credit hours – far above the minimum of 120 credit hours required by the majority of undergraduate degree programs.

“That, in turn, means many students don’t graduate after the typical four years, which can weigh on a school’s reputation and a student’s wallet,” she wrote.

Korn interviewed CSU President Ronald Berkman, who discussed the University’s recent conversion to a dominant three-credit-hour curriculum and its successful implementation of multiterm registration.

Korn wrote:

“At Cleveland State University, where students graduate with an average of 148.8 credits, administrators are trying to minimize students’ scheduling mistakes. President Ronald Berkman said the school was standing in its own way by requiring well over 120 credits for certain degrees and by making it difficult for students to map out their course plans.

“Two years ago, the school began allowing students to register for fall, spring and summer classes at the same time so they don’t accidentally wait until spring for a class that was only offered once a year.”

To read the entire article, click here (subscription required).