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ProfTALK: Joy Requires Communication, Dancing and Baked Goods!

Each week, Cleveland State University will profile new faculty members with a ???getting to know you??? feature called ProfTALK. Learn about your prof???s background, bona fides and how they contribute to the momentum of Engaged Learning. Then get behind the desk and learn a little more about what makes them tick. This week, we cover everything from racial battle fatigue, health communication and dance, to yoga, social media and baked goods! Meet Blair Alyse Baker, Ph.D. and Qiwei Luna Wu, Ph.D.!

Baker Photo Download (1).jpgScience Psychology Instructor Blair Alyse Baker, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Psychology, Indiana University (2021)

M.S.Ed., Educational Psychology, Indiana University (2018)

B.S., Psychology, English, Spanish (2015)

International Studies, Universidad Cat??lica de Valpara??so, Chile (2013)

Dr. Baker???s program of research investigates practices that promote or threaten the social, emotional, and academic well-being of Black students in K-12 educational environments. She investigates school staffs??? preparedness to intervene in racial conflict between Black students and their peers and examines and conceptualizes Black high school students??? experiences of racial battle fatigue ??? psychological distress stemming from navigating repeated encounters of racial bias ??? through an ecological and developmental lens. A Black Joy Collective Committee member, Dr. Baker believes in the group???s initiative of cultivating and sustaining joy, well-being and community in and among black students, staff and faculty. Offering homework help assisting elementary, middle and high school students.

What three words come to mind when you think of Cleveland State University?

Supportive, Resources, Community.

What is a common question you get from CSU students?

Because of the courses I teach, I often get questions about post undergraduate plans, such as graduate school. I very much enjoy helping students plan their next steps!

What do you like most about teaching and why?

I love seeing students interact with one another and learn from each other. Giving students the opportunity to voice their knowledge and contribute to their peers??? knowledge base empowers them to keep investing in their learning experience. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I live up to my last name as I typically bake something each week. I mostly bake bread (loafs, bagels, donuts, biscuits etc.), and I occasionally dabble in pastries. I love eating bread an pastries as much as I love making them. I also enjoy exercising and reading/listening to fiction. 

Where is your favorite place in Cleveland and why?

I enjoy spending time at Edgewater Park???particularly in the summer. It???s a lively place full of fresh air and beautiful views. 

What is a ???fun fact??? about you that many people may not know about you?

I love learning new words! I???ve kept a running list of new vocab words I???ve learned from reading over the past four years or so.

What is your personal motto/mantra/axiom?

I don???t have a mantra that I voice to others, but when life gets busy, and I get consumed by thoughts that push me towards the past or future I tell myself: ???This is where you are now. And that???s perfectly fine.??? It centers me in the present moment every time.

Wu.JPGCLASS Communication Assistant Professor Qiwei Luna Wu, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Communication, Texas A&M University (2021)

M.A., Communications, University of Illinois at Chicago (2017)

M.A., International Journalism Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (2014)

B.A., Communication, Southwest Jiaotong University 2009

Dr. Wu began her communication studies journey with a focus on film and television production, but over time she has explored all manner of study and research???ranging from strategic communication to gender/women???s studies, international journalism, social media and more. Her current research is centered around health communication and how mental health and communication (or lack thereof) impacts the behavioral intention of college students and their seeking of treatment. Dr. Wu???s research also includes ???Using Self-Persuasion to Improve College Students??? Mental Help-Seeking??? and how telehealth and electronic communication between patients and physicians/clinicians has taken on enormous significance because of the pandemic???namely with those receiving cancer care.

What three words come to mind when you think of Cleveland State University?

Urban, Diverse, Vikings.

What is a common question you get from CSU students?

???Are you getting used to the winter weather????

What do you like most about teaching and why?

It???s very fulfilling to see that students enjoy the course content and learn useful communication techniques in my courses.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like watching musicals and doing yoga.

Where is your favorite place in Cleveland and why?

I like the Cleveland Metroparks. Talking a walk around [them] is very refreshing. I enjoy going to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo as well.

What is a ???fun fact??? about you that many people may not know about you?

I was a professional dancer.

What is your personal motto/mantra/axiom?

To the sun in you, don???t be afraid to shine.