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Noted Development Expert Ed Goetz Headlines Next Levin College Forum

Will discuss the creation of ???opportunity neighborhoods??? as a method for addressing inequality

goetz_ed_vert.jpgEd Goetz, professor of public affairs at the University of Minnesota and a national expert in community development, will discuss the use of ???opportunity neighborhoods??? as a means for addressing urban inequality at the next Levin College Forum, sponsored by Cleveland State University???s Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs.

The event will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 12 in the Levin College???s Roberta Steinbacher Atrium, 1717 Euclid Avenue.

Opportunity neighborhoods give low-income people options to move from disadvantaged neighborhoods and improve their life circumstances. In this talk, Goetz will examine how policies can be developed to facilitate neighborhood development, the limits of opportunity neighborhood initiatives and how the concept has been used and misused by officials and analysts alike.

Goetz also serves as the director of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs at the University of Minnesota, and is the former associate dean of the University???s Humphrey School of Public Affairs. He has served on a variety of local and national advisory committees on issues related to affordable housing and community development.

The Levin College Forum brings in local and national urban policy experts for engaged dialogues with students, faculty and community leaders, with a focus on the most pressing challenges facing urban communities today.

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