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Levin College Profiles: Meet Ryan McBrayer

Ryan McBrayer Photo.JPGDegrees:

  • GIS Certificate, Levin College - Cleveland State University
  • M.A., Environmental Studies, Levin College - Cleveland State University
  • B.A., Science, Cleveland State University

When did you graduate? 

Where are you currently residing?
Perry, Ohio

Where are you from?
Mentor, Ohio

Current Employment

Position: Environmental Health and Safety, BWX Technologies, Inc.

Job Duties: I work in a heavy industrial environment. My job often varies by day. Some days I work on safety related programs, other days I handle environmental issues. A large portion of my responsibilities require me to verify compliance with my company's environmental health and safety policies, OSHA & ANSI regulations, and other related and regulatory standards, guidelines, and best practices. I also provide technical support.

I manage 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift employees and ensure that they follow OSHA and company environmental, health and safety guidelines. If someone is injured I am there to guide and delegate the next steps to taking care of that employee. I never stop learning and training. Laws constantly change and improve so it is my job to stay informed and certified on current standards. One of the programs I am proud to operate is our Dupont STOP, where a team of shop employees volunteer their time to become ambassadors of safety. The best part about my job is that not one day is the same and I am not tied to a computer all day.

Volunteer Experience:

  • Director, Cleveland State University Alumni Association 
  • Co- Chairman, Sherwin -Williams Chapter of the Cleveland State University Alumni Association 
  • Volunteer, Sherwin-Williams United Way Future Leaders 
  • Director of Education & Professional Development, The American Planning Association (APA) Chapter at CSU
  • Director of Communications, Net Impact CSU Chapter
  • Member, The Student Environmental Movement (SEM) at CSU

Why did you decide to attend Levin? 
I was introduced to Levin as a senior while taking an environmental policy class required for completion for my B.A. of Science. From there, I knew I wanted to become more involved with environmental related hazard and safety issues around Cleveland. I began speaking with Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Meyer (two professors who today I consider great friends) to discuss options for continued education and job outlook. I was pointed into the direction of the M.A. in Environmental Studies. This degree was the perfect fit for my passion. Levin's MAES offered a variety of classes to embark on my journey. I could study law, policy, engineering, GIS, organizational behavior, non-profit, and even finance all while staying within the realm of environmental issues.

What is your favorite Levin memory?
Honestly, just being there, even on Saturdays -- whether it was meeting with my classmates to study together, grabbing a drink to discuss classwork, writing papers on a computer in the lower level computer labs, or even listening to a guest speaker in the Dively auditorium. Those are all fond memories that I will cherish forever.

What piece of advice do you have for current Levin graduate students?
1. Get involved and connect with others. Levin has a great American Planning Association (chapter) with passionate students who bring in real world professionals to talk on a variety of issues in and around Cleveland.
2. Allow yourself to think about the bigger picture ahead. Why are you taking this class, and how can you apply it to your passion? The professors there (at Levin) want to see you succeed, and they also want you to be excited about what you are learning and how it relates to your goals.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned at Levin?
The effort you put in reflects your outcome. If you treat school just as school, you get exactly out of it what you put in. I treated Levin as an opportunity, and opportunities immediately manifested. 

In your opinion, what is Northeast Ohio???s best kept secret?
Our Metroparks system. There are so many green spaces in Cuyahoga and Lake County. Each have many species inhabiting them with an ever changing canvas of colors throughout each season.

What is one thing someone would be surprised to learn about you?
I am extremely active and have a variety of hobbies. I remodeled my entire house from a dark and boring home to an open floor plan with a new inspiration. I enjoy all music, though thanks to my wife's persistence, country has become my favorite. My two fur pups, Zeus and Maximus, love to drag me on walks. I enjoy working on anything with a motor. Also, while winter here can be occasionally awful, I have taken up snowboarding to pass the time and in the summer I love to golf.

Who is your hero and why?
My parents. Without them I would not be where I am. I am extremely grateful for the hours they spent working with me on homework when I was younger, teaching me how to live on my own, and showing me how to fix and build things. Two loving parents that will do whatever it takes to see their children succeed, makes them my hero.