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Jake Wrege Named Student Rep to CSU Board of Trustees

CSU Law Student, Undergraduate Alumnus Named Student Representative to CSU Board of Trustees

Jake Wrege Headshot.JPGCLEVELAND (July 5, 2022) ??? Jake Wrege, a first-year CSU Cleveland-Marshall College of Law student, has been appointed by Governor Mike DeWine to a two-year term as a student member of the CSU Board of Trustees.

Wrege is a recent graduate of CSU, having received two bachelor???s degrees in Environmental Science and Political Science from CSU in May 2022, with a minor in Environmental Studies. During his time as an undergraduate, he worked in the Department of Residence Life as a resident assistant. He also served on the Student Government Association as senator of Euclid Commons, representing students living in that residence hall on campus.

Wrege has also worked extensively with CSU???s admissions department both as an orientation leader and campus tour guide, welcoming incoming students to campus and helping them transition to college.

???I am impressed with Mr. Wrege???s previous involvement to CSU in so many facets of student life,??? said David Reynolds, chair of the CSU Board of Trustees. ???He is well-known throughout the campus community, and I???m excited to work with him on CSU???s growth-oriented plan for the future.???

In addition to his work with Residence Life and Admissions, Wrege served as the secretary of Mandel Vikes, the student organization of CSU???s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Honors College. He was also a writer and advertising specialist for The Cauldron, CSU???s student newspaper. He is continuing in his role as co-founder and treasurer of Students for a Cleaner Cleveland, an organization that hosts monthly volunteer street litter pick-up around campus and the city of Cleveland.

???Our student trustees provide an important voice and perspective for our university, and I???m grateful that Jake has been chosen for this role,??? said CSU president Laura Bloomberg. ???I look forward to drawing upon his impressive background and dedication to the university and its students.???

???Cleveland State has delivered on its promise to provide me with a quality education and exciting opportunities, and I am very honored and excited to have the opportunity to serve on the board,??? said Wrege. ???I hope to accurately and effectively represent the best interests of the diverse and hard-working CSU students who strive for academic success and upward mobility.???

As a law student, Wrege continues to work for the Department of Residence Life, this time as the assistant resident director of Euclid Commons, where he also resides.