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CSU Receives Presidents' Climate Leadership Recognition

Cleveland State University has received three 2019 Marks of Distinction from the Climate Leadership Network. The awards recognize efforts by universities nationwide as part of the Presidents' Climate Leadership Commitments.

The three Marks of Distinction earned by CSU in 2019 represent the following efforts:

Renewable Energy Purchaser: Greater than 25 Percent
Between 2016 and 2019, electricity purchasing by Cleveland State has included 30 percent renewable power.

Carbon Reduction: Greater than 25 Percent
Since 2007, CSU has reduced campus greenhouse gas emissions by 36 percent. This was achieved through energy efficiency projects, procurement of green power and the University???s district steam provider???s transition from coal to natural gas.

We Are Still In Participant
In 2017, when the US announced intentions to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, CSU joined more than 3,700 other organizations in committing to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement via the We Are Still In Network.

The Climate Leadership Network, made up of the over 500 signatories to the Presidents??? Climate Leadership Commitments, mobilizes higher education to accelerate global climate action and local community impact. Signatory institutions contribute by developing climate action plans and annual progress evaluations. CSU became a signatory to the Commitments in 2011.

Marks of Distinction recognizes signatory institutions that set high-performance goals and demonstrate and report measurable progress towards those goals. Marks of Distinction summarize and analyze the data submitted by signatory institutions, and showcase progress by awarding icons that signify achievements in specific areas. To view the full list of institutions that have earned Marks of Distinction, visit
