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CSU presents free Butler Jones Annual Lecture: "The Women Inside Organized Racism" on Oct. 18

Butler Jones Annual Lecture: "The Women Inside Organized Racism"
Presenter: Kathleen M. Blee, University of Pittsburgh

FREE and Open to the Public

October 18, 2012
10:00-11:15 am

CSU Main Classroom Auditorium

Kathleen M. Blee, Ph.D., is the Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Pittsburgh. She is an internationally-known scholar of social movements and activism, and of women in organized racist movements. She is the author of Inside Organized Racism: Women and Men in the Hate Movement (University of California Press, 2002).

Presented by CSU's College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and| Sociology & Criminology Department

The Butler A. Jones Endowed Lecture Series
The Department of Sociology and Criminology at Cleveland State University sponsors an annual event to honor its former Chair, Butler A. Jones, a highly respected scholar, administrator, and advocate. Dr. Jones' long and distinguished career began with his membership on the team of young scholars whose work provided the basis for Gunnar Myrdal's influential 1944 book. Documenting and publicizing the gap between American ideals of equality and opportunity, and the continued existence of discrimination and prejudice against African-Americans, the book was cited in the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case.

The Butler Jones series presents contemporary sociological scholarship on race and ethnicity to the CSU and wider communities, continuing the work of the late Dr. Jones in combining scholarship and public policy. An annual student scholarship is also awarded in honor of Dr. Jones.