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CSU Mayan Archaeologist Available to Debunk 2012 Armageddon Myth

Professor argues that Mayan myth was perpetuated for profit

Cleveland State University Professor Dr. Peter Dunham is a leading archaeologist who has spent much of his career studying Mayan culture and deciphering ancient Mayan inscriptions.

Dr. Dunham specializes in the rise and fall of early civilizations, in particular the ancient Maya. His interests include prehistoric ecology, astronomy, and calendrics. His field research in the Maya Mountains of Belize was supported by multiple major grants from the National Geographic Society. His Ancient Mysteries course (ANT 275) is one of the most popular at Cleveland State, where he debunks many of the extreme claims that have been made about the human past, including the 2012 phenomenon. He also explores why people both invent and embrace such misrepresentations, analyzing the agendas behind them.

Dr. Peter Dunham can be reached at: (216) 732-8699