CSU Celebrates Black History Month

The Cleveland State University Black Studies Program, Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center And Cleveland Play House Present

a calendar of events in conjunction with
the production of Radio Golf by
Cleveland Play House

Wednesday, February 15

12:00 Noon
College of Urban Affairs, Roberta Steinbacher Atrium
An Umoja Round Table Panel Discussion
“Directing August”

A Panel Discussion with Various Directors Who Are Associated with Productions of Works by August Wilson
in the Greater Cleveland Community

Thursday, February 16 & Tuesday, February 28

12 noon
Library – Rhodes Tower, Room 304
Book Discussion of "The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's
Great Migration" by Isabel Wilkef

Discussion led by Dr. Regennia Williams, Associate Professor, CSU
Department of History

Wednesday, February 22

1:30 PM
Main Classroom Building, Room 146
A Curtis Wilson Colloquium Series Lecture
“’The Ground on Which I Stand’: The Legacy of August Wilson and Black Theatre in the 21st Century"
by Dr. Regennia Williams, Associate Professor
CSU Department of History

Tuesday, February 28

6:00 PM
Main Classroom Building, Room 137
An Umoja Round Table Panel Discussion
Cleveland Area Playwrights in the Season of August

Wednesday, February 29

4:00 to 5:30 PM
Main Classroom Building, Room 135/137
An Umoja Round Table/Bridges to Africa Celebration
“African Films Versus Reality: A Student Film Showcase”
Featuring Former Imaging Africa (Com 428) Students
Screen their films and hear about their experiences in Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia. Learn about what we see in films that represent the African continent vs. these filmmakers’ actual experiences.
Instructor: Eric Siler, MFA
Presented with CSU’s School of Communication

For more information, contact Prester Pickett, Coordinator of the CSU Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center at (216) 687-3656, visit https://artsandsciences.csuohio.edu/africanastudies or call Cossandra Wheeler, Cleveland Play House at (216) 241-6000.