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Anna Maria Hong Receives Poetry Society of America Award

AnnaMariaHongTall.pngPublished by the Cleveland State University Poetry Center, Anna Maria Hong???s collection of poems, Age of Glass, recently won the Poetry Society of America???s Norma Faber First Book Award. 

The Poetry Center published Age of Glass in the spring of 2018. Prior to that, Hong???s collection was selected by Suzanne Buffam as the winner of the 2017 CSU Poetry Center First Book Competition. Buffam remarked that you could ???open this book to any page and you'll be met with lines so timely, so tonic, and so lexically dexterous you'll feel enchanted, however fleetingly, to cohabit this age.???

The Norma Faber First Book Award judge Geoffrey G. O???Brien remarked that, ???though "[d]one with iambics," Anna Maria Hong's Age of Glass uses the sonnet's other ancient materials to build a sequence song "out of all possible solutions."

Hong will visit CSU on Friday, April 12 to read from her work for the Poetry Center???s Lighthouse Reading Series. The reading, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 7 p.m. in the Galleries at CSU. 

Hong earned a BA in philosophy at Yale University and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Texas at Austin???s Michener Center for Writers. She teaches creative writing at Bennington College and her second poetry collection, Fablesque, won Tupelo Press???s Berkshire Prize and is forthcoming in early 2020. Hong???s poems have been published in many journals and anthologies and she has served as a Bunting Fellow in Poetry at Harvard University???s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in 2010-11 as well as received residencies from Yaddo, Djerassi, Fundaci??n Valpara??so and Kunstnarhuset Messen.

Click here for more information about the Lighthouse Reading Series, including Hong???s upcoming reading.