The Writing Center

Peace for the Veteran in Your Classroom

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.

Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Classroom

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.

Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.

Interactions with Professors and Students

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.

The SERV Office as a Resource for You and Veterans

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.

As more and more veterans come to CSU and take the two-year program designed especially for them, they will be entering into your WAC courses. This handout offers some guidelines for teaching them.