Use Classroom Assessment Techniques


Morbi turpis mi, tempor nec, euismod vel, mollis faucibus, enim.


Teaching Tips III:
suggestions and ideas on teaching

  1. Diagnostic Learning Logs
    • Tell students you will be asking them to keep records of what they learned from class, readings, tests, etc.
    • Give them a sample format -- such as a Class Log with main points they learned, points that were unclear, and what need to know to make them clear or a Homework or Test Log on which they are to describe assignments, give examples of errors, and tell how they would do it differently.
  2. Chain Notes
    • Compose a question which will help you and your students capture a moment in their mental activity.
    • Make sure the question can be answered quickly by all students.
    • On a large envelope, print the question, directions, and enough index cards or slips of paper for each student.
    • At the beginning of class, announce what you are doing and why -- emphasize the importance of waiting until the envelope arrives and of writing quick honest anonymous responses. (For instance: just before this arrived, what were you paying attention to?)
    • Start the envelope.
    • Summarize the results and discuss them.
  3. ROQC2 (Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect, and Comment)
    Can be used separately or in combination.
    • Recall - at beginning of class ask student to make a list of important points from the last class, then ask them to rank order their list.
    • Summarize – in a sentence, the main points from the previous class.
    • Question -- ask them to write down two unanswered questions form the last class.
    • Connect - ask them to explain the connection(s) between the points made in the last class.
    • Comment - ask them to evaluate the last class -- best part, worst part, etc.
    • Collect their responses and tell them what kind of feedback they can expect and when.


Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: BH 212
Cleveland, OH 44115