Engage Student Learning & Class Dynamics with the Buzzer System

Eddie T.C. Lam

Health and Human Performance

College of Education and Human Services

Engage Student Learning & Class Dynamics with the Buzzer System

The Buzzer System is a console powered from a wall outlet that can be connected by four handheld pushbuttons or thumb switches.  The Buzzer System can identify the first of four students to press his/her button.  The Buzzer System is most effectively used for question-and-answer tournaments (e.g., quizzes) in a group setting, such as dividing the whole class into four groups and the team captain of each group is responsible for controlling the push button.  Students in the class may not know each other and shy students are always hesitated to speak up during class or group discussions.  However, once I set up the Buzzer System for the quizzes, every student is so excited and they communicate with each other within the group to figure the right answer for my questions.  Every time it alters the classroom atmosphere dramatically.


Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: BH 212
Cleveland, OH 44115