A Collaborative Exhibition of Filmworks

Eric Siler


College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

A Collaborative Exhibition of Filmworks

In addition to having students create collaborative final short film projects, I require them to exhibit their work through a screening for the general public.  By this practice, students take a deeper ownership of their work knowing that it will be on display for others see and provide feedback.  Students are able to obtain the sense of a ‘real world' experience in which you create something other than for a grade.  Your creative expression is at stake.  Guidelines for this assignment are extremely strict as I hold them to high standards for completing their work. This poster session will provide the assignment requirements, the rubric, photo examples of student work, along with scripts and storyboards.  I will also make my laptop available to play the student films on a loop.


Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: BH 212
Cleveland, OH 44115