Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Modeling Pathogen Cross-Contamination and Chlorine Dynamics in Fresh Produce Wash-Cycles

Dr. Chandra KothapalliDr. Chandra Kothapalli received official notification from the United States Department of Agriculture, NIFA ARFI Mechanism, that his grant was approved. The grant is: Modeling Pathogen Cross-Contamination and Chlorine Dynamics in Fresh Produce Wash-Cycles. The grant was approved for the amount of $258,251. The principle investigator on this project is Dr. Partha Srinivasan, an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department. The co-principle investigators are Dr. Chandra Kothapalli, an Associate Professor in the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department, and Dr. Daniel Munther, an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department. The modeling component of the grant will be performed by Dr. Srinivasan and Dr. Munther while the experimental component will be performed in Dr. Kothapalli's laboratory. The grant will run from 2017 to 2020.