News & Announcements

CSU TEDx Salon: The Resurgent City: 3/31/17

The Resurgent City: 3/31/17

Friday, March 31, 2017, 5:00pm- 7:00pm
Cleveland State University Ballroom
2121 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115


Metropolitan centers throughout the United States are experiencing a revival with people, businesses and community institutions moving to and investing in downtown cities in a manner not seen in decades. The positive impact of this revival has been significant for economic and community development but more work needs to be done to ensure that all citizens of America’s cities have equal access to quality health care, education and job opportunities.

Anchor Institutions, such as hospitals, universities and churches, have a key role to play in continuing and enhancing the metropolitan revival. This goes beyond the “If you build it they will come” mentality of the past and includes being an engaged and active participant in promoting healthcare access, educational attainment and neighborhood development in the areas they serve. This TEDx Salon will discuss the role anchor institutions have played in the resurgence of cities, how they can enhance efforts to ensure this revival is available to all citizens and neighborhoods, as well as present best practices that can be disseminated nationally. The Salon will also delve deeper into several key areas of urban policy that anchor institutions can and should play a major role in addressing. These include: post-secondary attainment, the continued development of the “New Economy” and police/community relations.

  • Roland Anglin, Dean of Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University
  • Ronnie Dunn, Associate Professor of Urban Studies, Cleveland State University
  • Lee Fisher, Interim Dean and Visiting Professor of Law at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University
  • Danette Howard, Vice President, Lumina Foundation
  • Ted Howard, President, Democracy Collaborative, University of Maryland
  • Jonathan Witmer-Rich, Associate Professor of Law, Cleveland State University
For more information about this event see TEDxClevelandStateUniversity's salon event page.