Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Why Cleveland?

Thriving Healthcare and Biomedical Sector:

  • Cleveland is home to world-renowned healthcare institutions, including the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals. This concentration of healthcare facilities creates a unique ecosystem for biomedical engineering professionals to engage in cutting-edge research, collaborate on medical innovations, and gain practical experience.

Biomedical Research Opportunities:

  • The presence of prestigious research organizations and medical centers offers extensive research opportunities in areas such as biotechnology, medical devices, regenerative medicine, and clinical trials. This creates a rich environment for students and professionals seeking research and development careers in the biomedical field.

Collaboration with Industry:

  • The city's strong ties to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries provide students and professionals with numerous opportunities for internships, co-op programs, and collaborations with industry leaders, facilitating the transition from academic to real-world applications.

Diverse Career Opportunities:

  • The city's diverse economy offers a wide array of career opportunities for chemical and biomedical engineers. Cleveland has a strong industrial presence, particularly in the manufacturing and chemical sectors, providing diverse job prospects for chemical engineers.