Academic Advising

Academic Misconduct

The following forms starts the process of review for the department and college. The form is for information gathering to help streamline the process. 

Academic Misconduct Violation Report for Undergraduate Advisors

Academic Misconduct Violation Report for Graduate Advisors

Quick overview of the process: Incident happens, report filed. Notice sent to student. Student wants to appeal--first talks with instructor, then chair of the department the course is housed in, then dean's office. If no resolution happens at any of those steps it moves over to Judicial Affairs for an academic hearing. 

Syllabus Clause (feel free to copy and paste this paragraph on your syllabus) 

Academic Honesty. "Cheating" means intentionally misrepresenting the source, nature, or other conditions of academic work to receive undeserved credit. Cleveland State University affirms that acts of cheating debase the academic degree awarded, have no place in the University, and are severe offenses to academic goals, objectives and the rights of fellow students. CSU does not tolerate any type of cheating and will take disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

Faculty: Please add the following paragraph to your syllabus if you wish to have an 'ears out' environment for exams:

As part of the University’s ongoing efforts to prevent cheating, and based on evidence of increased use of headphones and ear piece devices to permit cheating on exams, all students are required to display their ears for the duration of any exam. The policy may require adjustment to hair or clothing. Any student not complying with this policy will, after a warning, be issued a zero on the exam. Students with concerns about their compliance with this policy should contact the Office for Institutional Equity at or 216-687-2223 at least one week before the exam.

Some forms of academic misconduct (this is not an exhaustive list):

Obtaining unauthorized information. Information is obtained dishonestly, for example, by copying graded homework assignments from another student, by working with another student on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted to do so by the instructor, by looking at your notes or other written work during an examination when not specifically permitted to do so, or obtaining work from an online homework or exam warehouse.

Tendering of information. Students may not give or sell their work to another person who plans to submit it as his or her own. This includes giving their work to another student to be copied, sharing work when the instructor’s directions were that work be completed independently, giving someone answers to exam questions during the exam, taking an exam and discussing its contents with students who will be taking the same exam, or giving or selling a term paper to another student.

Misrepresentation. Students misrepresent their work by handing in the work of someone else. Examples include: purchasing a paper from a term paper service; reproducing another person's paper, project, research, or examination (even with modifications) and submitting it as their own; having another student do their computer program, complete their design project, or complete their online quiz.

Bribery. Offering money or any item or service to a faculty member or any other person to gain academic advantage for yourself or another is dishonest.

Plagiarism. Unacknowledged use of the information, ideas, or phrasing of other writers is an offense comparable with theft and fraud, and it is so recognized by the copyright and intellectual work laws. Offenses of this kind are known as plagiarism.

Academic Regulations and Procedures

This page will take you to a printable and searchable PDF of all sections of the Academic Regulations and Procedures (unoffical) can also be found here.

Information on the Grade Dispute, Academic Misconduct, Credit by Examination, Grade Reporting, Incomplete Grades, and Releasing Information about Students are topics covered in this area. 

University Student Code of Conduct

Please access a printable and searchable PDF of all sections of the Student Code of Conduct (unofficial) here.