Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education

Education Law Association Partnership

Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education

Education Law Association Partnership

The Center for Excellence and Innovation is proud to announce a partnership with the Education Law Association, currently housed within the College of Law at CSU.  Through this partnership the Center will be able to offer professional learning that is focused on helping districts hold down legal fees by insuring that educators have the necessary practical knowledge in areas that are legally sensitive.  Not your usual legal update – this is a “how-to” not a “don’t do” approach in these areas. 

Legal Issues in IEP Development

Development of the IEP for a student requires expertise and attention to detail.  In addition, it is beneficial to have a clear sense of the legal implications of the process and language.  A little prevention goes a long way to avoiding  headaches!                 

Check Back for Spring 2016 Activities

Legal Issues in Discipline

Discipline, locker and student searches, special education issues in disciple are all areas of sensitivity in the life of a school administrator.  This session is designed to help educators raise increase their understanding of the legal implications of actions taken in the management of behavior and school environment.

October 30, 2014 9-11:30 am